● e-filling of VAT returns for the state of Haryana is supported, as per the template version 0.2.1: The e-VAT returns exported from Tally.ERP 9 are compliant with 0.2.1 version of template provided by the department and support the following changes:
o New fields are added to annexures, LS-2, LS-4, LP-4, and LP-6.
o New grid is added to annexure, LS-11.
● Purchase transactions of interstate branch/consignment transfer were displayed as Non-Annexure Vouchers in Form VAT R1 report, resolved: Now, the count of purchases recorded for interstate branch/consignment transfers are displayed in Annexure LP 5, the drill-down report from the row Annexure Ready in Form VAT RT1. Also, Imports are displayed in Annexure LP 4.
● Debit value of opening balance entered for surcharge ledger was not displayed in Form VAT R1 report, resolved: This value is now displayed as excess input tax credit brought forward, along with debit value of VAT ledger, in Form VAT R1 report.
● Supplier Date was not displayed in Form VAT C4 Receivable report after migrating data from release 4.9x to 5.2, resolved.
*States covered for enhanced VAT experience
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