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C-Form (Haryana)

This worksheet is a used for requisition of C forms. The populated worksheet have to be uploaded on the Haryana commercial tax department’s portal. After successful upload, an option to request for C forms is enabled. On requisition, the C form will be e-mailed to the dealers e-mail id.

This worksheet is divided into two parts:

Common Details: This worksheet captures details of interstate seller’s.

Transaction Details: This worksheet captures details of interstate purchase transaction for the quarter.

To view and export C-Form requisition

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > select C-Form

2.     Enter From and To dates.

3.     Select the required party ledger in Name of Party field.

4.     Enter the Name, Status/Designation, Place of the authorised person.

5.     Enter the Date. The Export Report screen appears.

6.     Press Enter.

Common Details

The description of the information displayed in each field is given below:

Field Name


Seller State

Displays the name of the state of the seller (as entered in the Party Details screen while recording interstate purchase transaction).

Seller TIN

Displays the TIN of the seller (as entered in the Party Details screen while recording interstate purchase transaction).

Seller Name

Displays the name of the seller (as predefined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording interstate purchase transaction).

Seller Address

Displays the address of the seller (as predefined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording interstate purchase transaction).


Transaction Details

The description of the information displayed in each field is given below:

Field Name


Bill Number

Displays the seller’s invoice number (as entered in the Party Details screen while recording interstate purchase transaction).

Bill Date

Displays the seller’s invoice date (as entered in the Party Details screen while recording interstate purchase transaction).

Bill Details

Displays the highest valued stock item from the respective seller’s invoice (as entered in the interstate purchase transaction).

Taxable Amount

Displays the net assessable value of purchase with Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Purchase against Form C, Interstate Purchase - E1, Interstate Purchase - E2 and Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1.

Tax Amount

Displays the CST amount captured in the purchase transaction against the ledger grouped under Duties & Taxes and Type of duty/tax selected as CST.