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TallyPrime Release 6.0 Beta is now live! Click here to learn more & get early access to the Power Banking experience! You also get smoother Data Split with robust verification. Easily manage contact details with the new Profile.

Printing Rendering

      The Total value displayed in Ledger Outstandings screen was incorrect, when printing reminder letters by deleting few rows, resolved.

      Vertical border lines were printed in a sales invoice, resolved: In a sales invoice, the vertical border lines were printed even if the option Stop Printing Vertical lines/borders was enabled in General Printing Configuration.

      The cursor was not moving to the field Show Payslip Note, when the option Show Authorized Signatory was disabled in single/multi pay slip Printing Configuration screen, resolved.

      Group Name was not being printed, when the option Start fresh page for each Account was set to No in Print Ledger Outstanding screen, resolved.

      The option Print Prepared/Verified initials is provided in Print Configuration of Rejection in and Rejection out vouchers.

*States covered for enhanced VAT experience