The enhanced capabilities in Tally.ERP 9 allows you to handle transactions related to service tax data better. Further, migrating service tax data from Tally 9 to Tally.ERP 9 helps in arranging the data in a compatible folder structure supported by Tally.ERP 9.
How to Migrate Service Tax Data?
How to Migrate Tally.ERP 9 (Release 1.0 to 1.61) Data?
Why is Migrating Service Tax Data Required?
How is Service Tax Data Migrated?
How to Migrate Failed Vouchers?
How to Rectify Un-Migrated Vouchers?
To migrate service tax data
Load the company in Tally.ERP 9.
A confirmation message Rewrite Version? is displayed. Click Yes to rewrite version.
Press Enter to accept.
A confirmation message Backup before rewriting? is displayed. Press Enter or Y to take backup. If backup before rewrite is selected, the backup companies on the disk is displayed.
After backup, a rewrite of the data takes place. Data rewrite occurs in three phases.
On rewriting the data, the statutory masters are imported.
After import of statutory masters, Tally 9 data gets migrated to Tally.ERP 9 data structure.
Note:While migrating the service tax transaction, an error message Function: 'STX FetchTaxObjValues' LABLE: : Could not find object 'TaxObjects' is displayed. This message can be ignored.
If there are any errors during the steps, a warning message is displayed. After migration of data, if the service tax migration is not completed, a warning message along with the steps to migrate failed service tax vouchers are displayed.
On loading the Tally.ERP 9 data of any release lower than Release 1.8, the statutory masters is imported first. The service tax vouchers then gets migrated. If the migration is not successful, a warning message is displayed.
Service Tax data needs to be migrated because:
In Tally 9, options such as booking GTA transactions, booking multiple services in single voucher, cash based transactions, money equivalent adjustments and tax billing for professionals were not available.
The data structure in Tally 9 and Tally.ERP 9 are different because of the variation in recording transactions. To change the data structure of the transactions entered in Tally 9 to Tally.ERP 9, migration is required.
In Tally.ERP 9, service tax data migration depends on the service tax bills. During the service tax migration:
Service tax bills are checked.
All the vouchers are checked for the service tax bills.
The purchase, sales, income and expenses transactions are migrated first. Service tax payments and adjustment transactions are migrated next.
Note: In the process of migration, if any error is found, the transaction is skipped and migration continues for the rest of the transactions.
To migrate the failed service tax vouchers, two exception reports are provided in Tally.ERP 9.
Un-Migrated Vouchers
Un-Migrated Bills
Un-Migrated voucher report displays service tax party-wise total, migrated and un-migrated voucher details. On selecting a party from this report, the un-migrated and partially migrated service tax sales, purchase, credit note, Debit Note, Journal, Receipts and Payments Vouchers with reasons for non-migration are displayed.
To view the Un-Migrated Vouchers report
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Exception Reports > Un-Migrated Vouchers.
Select the party from the List of Service Tax Parties.
Check the reasons for non-migration and correct the vouchers to migrate.
Press Enter after selecting the party.
Select the service tax vouchers to correct and migrate from the Track Migrate Voucher screen.
Correct the vouchers as per the details.
Migrate the corrected vouchers by clicking F7: Migrate on the Track Migrate Voucher screen.
Un-migrated bills report displays the un-migrated service tax payments and input credit adjustment payment or journal vouchers.
To view the Un-migrated bills report
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Service Tax Reports > Exception Reports > Un-Migrated Bills
To correct the un-migrated service tax vouchers that are:
Un–Migrated Vouchers Report,
Select all the Partially Migrated vouchers.
Click F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Correct the un-migrated vouchers by finding the reason. See Reasons for non-migration.
Click F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Un-Migrated Bills Report,
Migrate the un-migrated vouchers without reason displayed in Un-migrated Bills report by clicking F7: Migrate.
Note:The un-migrated vouchers can be migrated only when all the vouchers in un-migrated vouchers report are corrected and migrated. If not, migrating the vouchers displayed in un-migrated bills report will not be allowed.
Correct the un-migrated bills based on the reasons displayed below the voucher. See Reasons for non-migration.
After correction, click F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Reasons for Un-Migrated Vouchers
Case 1: Service tax is not enabled for party ledger.
Case 2: Service ledger’s category and tax ledger’s service category does not match.
Case 3: Service tax is not enabled for Sales/Income Ledger.
Case 4: Service tax is not enabled for Purchase/Expense Ledger.
Case 5: Duplicate reference no. used in service tax bill-wise details subform.
Case 6: Service Purchase/Sales Ledger is used as rounding off ledger (to adjust the decimals).
Case 7: Same category’s duty ledger selected multiple times.
Case 8: Credit Note/Debit Note tax reference cannot be new ref.
Case 9: Credit/Debit Note Bill Ref (s) is not linked to sales/purchase voucher.
Case 10: Transaction is not passed as per the flow of service tax module.
Reasons for Un-Migrated Bills
Case 1: Service tax payment (GAR7)/Adjustment Entry Bill Ref(s) is not linked to sales/purchase voucher.
Case 2: Transaction is not passed as per the flow of service tax module.
Click on the links to view the reasons for un-migrated voucher and how to rectify them:
Reasons for Un-Migrated Vouchers
Case 1: Service Tax is not enabled for Party Ledger.
In the above case the user would have enabled the service tax feature for a party and recorded service tax transactions. Later, disabled the service tax feature in the party ledger.
In this case Tally.ERP 9 will not migrate the service tax vouchers of a party for whom the service tax feature is not enabled.
Here we have selected Lakshmikanth, for this party service tax is not enabled
For party ledger enable the option Is Service Tax Provider/Receiver to Yes
Select the Reference Number (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Case 2: Service Ledger's Category and Tax Ledger's Service Category are not matching.
In the earlier service tax, to account the purchase or sale of services falling under different Service Categories it was required to create service category specific purchase (expense), sales (income) and tax ledgers
To calculate service tax appropriately the service category selected in the purchase/sale and Service tax Ledger should be same. Because of some reasons, if the user changes the service category of Purchase (expense)/Sales (Income) ledger after recording one or few transactions then for the transaction recorded before the alteration of service category, the service category in Purchase (expense)/Sales (Income) ledger will be different from category selected in the tax ledger. In this case Tally.ERP 9 will not migrate the vouchers.
This scenario may be found only in sales or purchase or Journal vouchers recorded to account service
From Un-Migrate Vouchers report select the Party e.g. Mayank Associates and press Enter to view Track Migrate Vouchers report.
Observe in the above screen the reason for non-migration is displayed. Reason is Service Ledger’s Category and Tax Ledger’s Service Category are not matching
In this scenario, it is not possible to identify the correct service category defined for the Purchase (expense)/Sales (Income) ledger in migrated data as the category is already changed. It is suggested to check the hard copy of the invoice to define the service category.
On identifying the category select the voucher (purchase/Sales/Journal) and press enter to view the Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary) screen
Select the Purchase (Expenses) or Sales (Income) ledger and press Enter to view Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary) screen. Select Sales (Income) or Purchase (Expenses) and press Ctrl+Enter to alter the ledger. Assign the applicable service category and save the ledger alteration. Press Backspace to come out of the voucher.
Select the Reference Number (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Case 3: Service Tax is not enabled for Sales/Income Ledger.
In the above case the user would have enabled the service tax feature for Sales or Income Ledger and recorded service tax transactions. Later, disabled the service tax feature in the Sales or Income ledger.
In this case Tally.ERP 9 will not migrate the service tax vouchers of Sales or Income Ledger for which the service tax feature is not enabled.
The reason for Non-migration displayed in the above case is Service Tax is not enabled for Sales/Income Ledger.
For Sales or Income Ledger enable the option Is Service Tax Applicable to Yes and select the appropriate service category.
Select the Reference Number (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Case 4: Service Tax is not enabled for Purchase/Expense Ledger.
In the above case the user would have enabled the service tax feature for Purchase or Expenses Ledger and recorded service tax transactions. Later, disabled the service tax feature in Purchase or Expenses Ledger.
In this case Tally.ERP 9 will not migrate the service tax vouchers of Purchase or Expenses Ledger for which the service tax feature is not enabled.
The reason for Non-migration displayed in the above case is Service Tax is not enabled for Purchase/Expense Ledger
For Purchase or Expenses Ledger enable the option Is Service Tax Applicable to Yes and select the appropriate service category.
Select the Reference Number (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Case 5: Duplicate Reference No used in Service Tax Bill-wise Details subform.
This reason will be displayed in 2 cases
1. Company with Multiple Year Data
2. Two Tax References are tagged in Service Tax details screen
In earlier service tax module, the Tax References in Service Tax Bill-wise Details screen were displayed automatically and in sequence. In a company with data of multiple financial Years the Tax Reference number in service Tax bill–wise details screen used to get restarted with serial No 1 for every financial year.
Financial Year 2008-2009
Tax Reference Number for the transaction recorded as on 1-4-2008 (first service tax entry) the Tax Reference number will be Sale/1
Financial Year 2009-2010
Tax Reference Number for the transaction recorded as on 1-4-2009 (first service tax entry) the Tax Reference number will be Sale/1
While recording Service Tax transactions if the Reference number used in one financial year is used again to account the sale of services in another financial Year, for reference number selected while recording transaction the reference will be displayed as New Ref. On saving the voucher application cross refers the references available in the data and if the similar tax reference is found in any other transaction recorded then the reference will be turned to Agst Ref.
The transactions with the tax reference as Agst Ref will not be reflected in the Service Tax Payable report, viewed in Release 1.61 or lower versions because the transactions with the tax reference - Agst Ref will get knocked off against the transaction with tax reference - New Ref.
From un- migrated vouchers report select the party and press enter to view the Track migrate vouchers report.
Select the sales voucher which is not migrated and press enter to view the Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary). Select the service tax ledger and press enter to view Service Tax-Bill Wise Details screen.
Observe in the above screen shot the Service Tax Bill Details displays the Reference as Agst Ref. These types of vouchers will not get migrated.
From Ledger Vouchers report (Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Account Books > Ledgers > select the party ledger from the List of Ledgers) select the voucher (purchase/Sales) and press enter to view the Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary) screen.
In Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary) screen select Service Sale or Purchase Ledger and press Enter to view Service Tax Details screen
In Service Tax Details screen, enter the service amount in Service Amount field Service Tax gets calculated accordingly. Save the Voucher alteration
After saving the voucher, this voucher will not be displayed in Un-Migrated Vouchers report. It gets migrated automatically.
After correcting the Sales/purchase voucher, alter the receipt or payment vouchers recorded in connection with the sale or Purchase by providing the tax reference number provided in earlier altered sales/ purchase voucher. After alteration save the receipt or payment voucher.
After migration this entry will be displayed in Service Tax Payable Report.
When ever the Service transaction is cancelled, the service provider has to reverse the service and Tax amount by recording Credit Note.
If the user, instead of recoding Credit Note to reverse service and tax amount books a journal voucher by Debiting the Tax ledger and Crediting the Party Ledger to reverse only Tax amount by selecting multiple Tax references in Service Tax –Bill Wise Details screens, Tally.ERP 9 will not migrate the Journal vouchers recorded to reverse the tax amount with One or more Tax References.
Create a New ledger under Current Liabilities
In Track Migrate Vouchers report screen select the Journal Voucher and press enter to view Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary) screen replace the existing service tax ledger by newly created Ledger and save the ledger alteration.
Select the Reference Number (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
For balance difference user can record one adjustment entry in the year end.
Case 6: Service Purchase/Sales Ledger is used for Rounding Off.
Create a New Round off ledger under Indirect Expenses. For this ledger don’t enable the Service Tax option.
Select the voucher (purchase/Sales/Journal) and press enter to view the Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary) screen.
In Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary) screen select the newly created Round off Ledger by accepting the default amount displayed. Save the voucher alteration.
Every Purchase or Sale entry with the above reason to be altered as directed to migrate the vouchers
Select the Reference Number (to select press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Case 7: Same Category's Duty Ledgers selected multiple times.
While accounting service sales or purchase transaction, if tax ledger with same service category is selected multiple times then Tally.ERP 9 will not migrate such transaction and displays the reason for Non-Migration as Same Category’s Duty Ledger selected multiple times.
Select the sales voucher with the reason Same Category’s Duty Ledger selected multiple times and press enter to view the Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary) screen.
Two Tax ledgers would have been selected by the user in case where while booking the transaction he would have taken the Abatement and later realizes that abatement is not allowed on the service category sold. Then instead of correcting the service tax details of the service tax ledger already used, selects new service tax Ledger to calculate the balance service tax amount.
Remove the extra Tax ledger (s) and only one Tax ledger.
Select the Tax Ledger and press enter to view Service Tax Bill-wise Details screen and re-accept the Service tax bill details by making proper correction to the abatement percentage to re-calculate the service tax amount and save the voucher.
After saving the voucher, select the Reference Number (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Case 8: Credit Note/Debit Note Tax reference cannot be New Ref.
This reason will be displayed in two cases
1. Service Sales changed to credit Note.
2. Service Sales partially/wholly reversed through Credit Note and later the original Service Sales is deleted.
Observe in the above screen shot the Service Tax Bill Details displays the Reference as Agst Ref. The option Agst Ref will be taken, only when a sales or purchase voucher is changed to Credit Note or Debit Note.
In this scenario user has changed the sales voucher type to credit Note. These types of vouchers will not get migrated.
Change the Debit/Credit Note to Journal voucher and save the voucher.
Note: To change Credit/Debit Note to Journal voucher ensure the Credit/Debit Note voucher is in voucher Mode.
The migrated vouchers (Debit/Credit Note changed to Journal) will be displayed in Input Credit/ Service Tax Payable (Bill Date-Wise) unrealized report. Later, based on the requirement user can retain the voucher as taxable service voucher or alter to make the voucher as normal transaction.
If the user wants the proper report and transactions to be displayed in data, they have to identify the sales/ purchase voucher and record the transaction in 1.61 and tag the existing Debit/credit note to newly recorded purchase/sales transaction and migrate the data.
If the sales transaction is intentionally deleted, then change the Debit/Credit Note to voucher and save the voucher.
Note: To change Credit/Debit Note to Journal voucher ensure the Credit/Debit Note voucher is in voucher Mode.
The migrated vouchers (Debit/Credit Note changed to Journal) will be displayed in Input Credit/ Service Tax Payable (Bill Date-Wise) unrealized report. Later, based on the requirement user can retain the voucher as taxable service voucher or alter to make the voucher as normal transaction.
Case 9: Credit/Debit Note Bill Ref (s) is not linked to Sales / Purchase Voucher.
This reason will be displayed when Service Sales/Purchases are partially/wholly reversed through
Credit/Debit Note and later the original Service Sales/Purchase Voucher is deleted.
If the user wants the proper report and transactions to be displayed in data, Identify the sales/
purchase voucher and link the same to the Credit/Debit Note.
To select the Sales/Purchase Voucher Bill Reference,
Select the Credit/Debit Note Voucher and press Enter to view Accounting Voucher alteration (Secondary) screen and tab down to view Bill-wise Details screen
In Bill-wise Details screen
In Type of Ref field by default New Ref will be displayed. Select Agst Ref from the Method of Adjustments
In Name field select the appropriate Sales Bill Reference - Bill-004 from the Pending Bills
Retain other details and save the Bill details and Credit Note
Observe, now in the Track Migrate Vouchers report you can see the relevant Sales Voucher along with Credit Note.
If the users select the Bill Reference Number and presses F7 to Migrate, Tally.ERP 9 will not migrate the transactions. Because when the data was migrated sales voucher was migrated where as Credit note was not. Hence system is not able to follow the instruction of F7: migrate to migrate the Vouchers
To correct this go to Day Book,
Select the appropriate Sales Voucher to alter.
Tab Down to Sales Ledger and press Enter to view Service Tax Details Screen
Service Tax Details screen displays the Service tax details as the voucher is already migrated. In this screen, in Type of Ref field select End of List as the Method of Adjustment to clear the details in the Service Tax Details. On selecting End of List application comes out of Service Tax Details screen.
Press Enter to Save the Sales Voucher.
On correction come back to Track Migrate Vouchers report, now you can see that the sales voucher is also considered as un-migrated voucher.
Select the Reference Number (to select press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Case 10: Possibly transaction is not passed as per the flow of Service Tax Module.
This message will be displayed to those transactions which do not fall under any of the above reasons discussed.
To migrate the vouchers with the reason Possibly transaction is not passed as per the flow of Service Tax Module
Select the Reference Number (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Note: Most of the transaction will migrate when the solution given above is followed. If vouchers are not migrating then manually check the vouchers and correct the vouchers as per the flow of earlier service tax module.
Reasons for Un-Migrated Bills
This reason will be displayed for Journal Voucher (Service Credit adjusted towards the Service Bill) and Payment Voucher (Service Credit adjusted towards the Service Bill and the balance liability is paid through the cash or Bank) where the bill reference selected is not linked to sales/purchase voucher.
Select the Journal/Payment voucher with the above Reason and press Ctrl + Enter to view the Accounting Voucher Alteration (Secondary) screen
Observe, in the above screen for ST-CA ledger service credit adjusted amount is not displayed. In this case after recording the Journal Voucher (adjustment of tax liability against the service credit) the Sales and Receipt voucher connected to the bill selected in this adjustment entry is deleted. Hence for the system it is not possible to track the sales reference.
This problem can be solved in two ways
1. Treating as Advance Payment or
2. Treating as opening Service Tax Balance
1. Treating as Advance Payment
To correct this voucher select ST-CA ledger and press Enter to view Service Tax Details screen.
In Service Tax Details Screen
In Type of Ref field select the Reference as Advance
In Name field retain the default bill name displayed or specify any other new bill reference name
In Amount field, accept the default amount displayed
Press Enter to accept the Service Tax Details screen.
In Journal Voucher Alteration screen in Debit Amount field enter the Amount of Rs. 400
After the correction save the voucher
Note: Observe, in the Un-migrated Bills report the reason for the transaction which is corrected is changed from Service Tax Payment (GAR7)/Adjustment Entry Bill Ref(s) is not linked to Sales/Purchase voucher to Possibly transaction is not passed as per the flow of Service Tax Module.
Select the Journal Voucher (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
2. Treating as opening Service Tax Balance
To correct this voucher select ST-CA ledger and press Enter to view Service Tax Details screen.
In Service Tax Details screen
In Type of Ref field select the Reference as New Ref
In Name field retain the default bill name displayed or specify any other new bill reference name
In Amount field, accept the default amount displayed
Press Enter from Amount field to view Service Tax Opening Bills screen.
In Service Bill Opening Bills screen,
Select the Party Ledger
In Bill Name field select Not Applicable. In other fields retain the default details
Press Enter to accept the Service Tax Opening Bills & Service Tax Details screen
In Journal Voucher Alteration screen in Debit Amount field enter the Amount of Rs. 400
After the correction save the voucher.
Note: Observe, in the Un-migrated Bills report the reason for the transaction which is corrected is changed from Service Tax Payment (GAR7)/Adjustment Entry Bill Ref(s) is not linked to Sales/Purchase voucher to Possibly transaction is not passed as per the flow of Service Tax Module.
Select the Journal Voucher (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Case 2: Possibly transaction is not passed as per the flow of Service Tax Module.
This message will be displayed to those transactions which do not fall under the above reason discussed.
To migrate the vouchers with the reason Possibly transaction is not passed as per the flow of Service Tax Module
Select the Payment/Journal Voucher (to select move the cursor on the reference number and press space bar. Transaction will be highlighted with green colour), then press F7 or click on F7: Migrate to migrate the vouchers.
Note: If the service tax bill with the reason - Possibly transaction is not passed as per the flow of Service Tax Module is not getting migrated by following the above procedure, it is suggested to check the original data (Data before Migration) and correct the same and try to Migrate.
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