The Reminder Letters feature in Tally.ERP 9 is used to send the outstanding Aging report to a customer in the form of Letter. You can also configure the letter in the Reminder Letter Configuration settings.
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12 Configuration > Printing > Reminder Letters
This option will be set to Yes in case it was already enabled in F11: Accounting Features.
Set this option to No if you do not want the Company Logo to be printed in the Reminder Letter.
Note: The field Location of Logo is also displayed in Printing Ledger Outstanding screen while opting to print Reminder Letters. The logo path can be changed temporarily based on your requirement.
Margin on top (default 0.5 inch) and Margin on left (default 0.5 inch) : by default these fields are set to 0.5 inch. However, you can change it as per your requirement.
Information in first paragraph and Information in second paragraph: The information provided in these two fields can be edited as per your requirement.
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