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     The value of ledger created under Indirect Expenses, set to Appropriate by Value, was not displayed in Others Charges and Total Value columns of Interstate Purchase annexure, resolved.

      On printing the sales invoice from Multi Account Printing menu, the e-Sugam number was not displayed, resolved: Now, the e-Sugam number is displayed in the sales invoices printed from Multi Account Printing menu.

      In the data migrated from release 4.93 to 5.x releases, the e-Sugam number was not displayed in the print preview and printout of the sales invoice, resolved: Now, on migrating data from release 4.93 to 5.3.3 release, the e-Sugam number also gets migrated and displayed in print preview as well as printout of sales invoice.

      While uploading e-VAT Annexures comprising transactions of exempt interstate purchases and sales, the error XML not well formed was displayed, resolved: Now, 0.00 is prefilled as the tax amount in transactions of interstate purchases and sales, hence the error message is not displayed.

      In the XML file generated for e-Sugam, the goods description was blank even though the commodity name was defined in stock item, resolved: Now, the commodity name defined in stock item is captured as the goods description in the XML file generated for e-Sugam.

      A provision is made to validate TIN number in party ledgers only for number of digits and not based on state specific numbering of TIN: When a local sales transaction is recorded with Interstate Purchase Deemed Export as nature of transaction with Form H as Form to Issue, the transaction was failing TIN validation in annexures. Now, TIN number validation for state specific TIN’s is relaxed for some nature of transactions.

*States covered for enhanced VAT experience