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Mass Mailing

Mass mailing feature allows the user to e-mail a single report to multiple E-Mail Ids i.e., the user can send e-mails to more than one e-mail id from a single screen, while retaining the existing e-mail configurations.

For instance, using this feature you can send individual pay slip to each employee or mail Outstanding Statements, Reminder letters and Confirmation of Accounts to the respective party or customers.

Mass mailing is provided for the following report

  • Outstanding Statements

  • Reminder Letters

  • Confirmation of Accounts

  • Pay Slips

Note: It is essential to set up the E-Mail Configuration before sending mass mailers.

Mass Mailing Outstanding Statements

For mass mailing Outstanding Statement to Parties, follows the steps given below:

Go to Multi Account Printing > Outstanding Statements > Ledger > Group of Accounts >  Select a Group

  1. Press Alt + M

  2. Select All Ledgers in To E-mail Address


1. The Email of Outstanding Statement, will be sent to the Email IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.

2. To specify / view the email id specified in the ledger masters, you can go to exceptional Report > Email Id > Press F5 : All Items


Mass Mailing Reminder Letters

For mass mailing Reminder Letters to Parties, follows the steps given below:

Go to Multi Account Printing > Outstanding Statements > Ledger > Group of Accounts >  Select a Group

  1. Press Alt + M

  2. Select All Ledgers in To E-mail Address

  3. Enable the option E-mail Reminder Letter to Yes


1. The E-mail of Reminder Letters, will be sent to the E-mail IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.  

2. To specify / view the e-mail id specified in the ledger masters, you can go to exceptional Report > E-mail Id > Press F5 : All Items


Mass Mailing Confirmation of Accounts

For mass mailing Confirmation of Accounts to Parties, follows the steps given below:

Go to Multi account printing > Accounts Books > Ledger > Group of Accounts > Select Group

  1. Press Alt + M

  2. Select All Ledgers in To E-mail Address

  3. Select Confirmation of A/cs as Style of Reports

Note :

1. The Email of Confirmation of Accounts, will be sent to the Email IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.  

2. To specify / view the email id specified in the ledger masters, you can go to exceptional Report > Email Id > Press F5 : All Items


Mass Mailing Pay Slips

For more details on mass mailing pay slips please refer the topic - Mass Mailing Pay Slips