Tally.ERP 9 allows the user to split data based on financial years.
Splitting data helps,
● To reduce the data size.
● To improve the performance/speed of Tally.
● To secure the data of old financial years and work with current financial year in a separate folder.
● To get separate company folders for different financial years.
Before splitting the data the user must ensure that:
1. Backup of the data exists.
2. All unadjusted forex gains/losses have been fully adjusted by journal entries. Ensure that this item does not appear in the Balance Sheet.
3. There are no purchase/sales bills due. Check the Profit & Loss A/c and inventory statements – purchase/sales bills pending. The user has to account them in the respective party accounts or in the respective bills pending account.
4. The option Verify Company Data is used to ensure that no errors occur during splitting.
§ For users of sales/purchase order processing features - open sales/purchase orders will not be carried forward on splitting. The user has to re-enter the outstanding orders after splitting the company.
§ Data pertaining to a cost centre is not carried forward.
§ From Tally.ERP 9 Release 3.0 onwards, all un-reconciled transactions will get carried forward into the split company.
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