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Ledger Vouchers

While verifying the balances, the Auditor may need to check the Vouchers belonging to any of the Ledgers.

To view the Ledger Vouchers report

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance >  Verification of Balances.

  2. Bring cursor on the amount field for the required Group.

  3. Drill down by  pressing Enter on the Group amount field or a Subgroup amount field and then Ledger name.

Note: While generating the Ledger Vouchers report for the Cash Ledger, the  Daily Breakup can be viewed by pressing F6: Dly Brk-up button provided.

Button options in the Ledger Vouchers report

F1: Detailed

Click F1: Detailed or press Alt+F1 keys to viewed the detailed Ledger Vouchers report.

F2: Period

Click F2: Period or press F2 key to change the selected period.

F4: Ledger

Click F4: Ledger or press F4 key to view the Ledger Vouchers for a different Ledger.

F9: Audit

Click F9: Audit or press Alt+F9 to Audit the selected Voucher/Vouchers. For more details on Auditing, see Auditing of Vouchers.

Note: The F9: Audit button will be highlighted when one or more Vouchers is/are selected for Auditing using the spacebar key.

Ctrl+F10: Remove Audit

Click Ctrl+F10 Remove Audit or press Ctrl+F10 to change the Audit Status for the selected Vouchers as Unaudited (blank).

S: Set Manual Sampling

Click S: Set Manual Sampling or press Alt+S to mark the selected Vouchers (using spacebar) as sampled. The manual sampling method will get applied to all such Vouchers and they will appear under the sampled column on the dashboard.

D: Delete Manual Sampling

Click D: Delete Manual Sampling or press Alt+D to delete the Manual sampling method already applied for the selected Vocuhers (using the spacebar).

W: Working Note

Click W: Working Note or press Alt+W keys to specify the working note details at Company or Group or Ledger or Voucher level. The details provided in working note will be captured in Audit Working Paper along  with the details of User Name, Working Note Date & Time, Status, Note and so on.

Ctrl+W: Audit Wkg Paper

To view the Audit Working Paper during Auditing, click Ctrl+W: Audit Wkg Paper or press Ctrl+W keys. The details displayed in Audit Working Paper will be relevant to report from where it is triggered.

For more details on Working Paper refer the topic Audit Working Paper.

I: Other Info

Click I: Other Info or press Alt+I to view the other Ledger Information like if its an MSME, is a Related Party and the details of the Sampling Method applied.

F10: Acc Reports

Click F10: Acc Reports or press F10 key to navigate to the default Accounting Reports like Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Trial Balance and so on.

F10: Audit Reports

Click on F10: Audit Reports or press Alt+F10 keys to navigate to the other Audit Reports within Statutory Audit.

F12: Configure

Click F12: Configure or press F12 to change the default display.

  • Show Narrations also: Set this option to Yes to show the Narrations as entered at the time of Voucher entry.

  • Show Audit Status: Set this option to Yes to show the Audit status selected by the user.

Note: If this option is set to No then the F9: Audit button will also be disabled.

  • Show Audit Note:  Set this options to Yes to show the Audit Note as entered by the user.

  • Show Client’s Clarification: Set this option to Yes to view the Clarification provided by the Client for the Vouchers with Audit Status as Clarified.

  • Show Date and Time: Set this option to Yes to view the audit Date & Time.

  • Show Audited By: Set this option to Yes to view the person who has performed auditing on the Vouchers

  • Show Category: Set this option to Yes to view the Category of Clarification alongside the Vouchers

  • Show Category Of: Select the Audit Category and Vouchers marked for the chosen Category will be filtered for display.

  • Show Priority: Set this option to Yes to view the Priority of the clarification required (High/Medium/Low).

  • Show Clarification from: Set this option to Yes to view the user who has provided clarification, if any, for the Vouchers.

  • Show Vouchers of Audit Status: Select an Audit Status and the Vouchers that have been marked with the chosen Audit Status will be filtered and displayed (Any, On Hold, Altered, Audited, Clarified, External Clarification, Internal Observation, Internal Observation Clarified, Unaudited).

  • Sorting Method:  Select the required sorting method for the transactions from the list of Sorting Methods.

F12: Range

Click F12: Range or press Alt+F12 to use the Range Filter option to search the specific Vouchers from the list of Ledger Vouchers displayed.

Ctrl+F12: Value

Click Ctrl+F12:Value or press Ctrl+F12 to filter the Vouchers and calculate the balances as per the specified conditions.

Ctrl+F: Find Audit Note

This option is used to filter for vouchers based on the Audit Note given to them. Click here to find more on this option.