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Forms Issuable

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Viewing Form Issuable Report

Ledger-Wise Forms Issuables Report

Forms Issuable report comments on various forms to be issued to the dealer at any given point of time. It displays the date of transaction, CST Purchases ledger employed, gross amount inclusive of CST, form types and also contains three additional fields viz., Form Series Number, Form Number and Date, which can be filled when the prescribed forms are issued to the selling dealer or supplier.

To view Form Issuable report

      Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form Issuable.

Similar to the Forms Receivables report, the Forms Issuables report can also be viewed in the following two ways,

      Group-Wise Forms Issuables

      Ledger-Wise Forms Issuables

Note: In Group-Wise Forms Issuables report, the Form Series Number, Form Number and Form Dates for all the inter-state purchases made from all the Sundry Creditors can be entered in a single screen. In case of ledger-wise report, the required party ledger can be selected and the details pertaining to Form Number and Date can be specified.

Change Voucher

In the group wise Forms Issuable screen, F4: Chg Vch button is provided to view vouchers of a particular voucher type.

      Click F4: Chg Vch button to view the voucher types that can be selected.

      Select the required voucher type from the list of voucher types.

The Form Issuable screen for the selected voucher type appears as shown below:

Ledger-Wise Forms Issuables Report

Set Form Number

To alter or set the form number, series number and form date

      Select the required party ledgers.

      Click S: Set/Alter Form No and enter the required details.

      Press Enter to  save.