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Import of Data

Import of data helps to read and make use of the data generated in Tally or in any another application. In Tally.ERP 9, you can import data in XML/SDF format from earlier versions of Tally.ERP 9 or from any-third party application. The .xml file that is imported must follow the Tally.ERP 9 schema.

To import data

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Masters.

2.     Enter the name of the .xml file to be imported. The file should be present in the Tally.ERP 9 application folder.

3.     Select the required Behaviour in the Treatment of entries already existing field.

4.     Press Enter to import.

Note: To import data from Tally 6.3/7.2, select SDF format. The SDF format utility can be downloaded from the Tally website.

See also:

Export of data

Import of vouchers