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Creating Multiple Cost Centres under Cost Categories

Go to Gateway of Tally> Accounts Info.> Cost Centres> Create (under Multiple Cost Centres)

 This is a quick way to create multiple cost centres under a single Cost Category at a time.

Under Cost Centre

Select a particular Cost Centre as the parent cost center, if you wish to create multiple cost centres under it.


Select the Category under which the Cost Centre will be created from the List of Categories or create a new category by pressing [Alt+C]

Name of Cost Centre

Enter the name of the new cost centre. The alias facility is not available in this mode. Select single alter to give aliases to Cost Centres created in multiple mode.


Select the parent Cost Centre from the List of Cost Centres. The list displays only the Cost Centres that belong to the selected Category.

Displaying and Altering Cost Centres under Cost Categories in Multiple mode is similar to Displaying and Altering Cost Centres in Multiple mode explained in the respective chapters. The only additional field is Category.

Error in Categorisation of Cost Centres:


This error occurs when you try to assign a cost centre to a parent cost centre belonging to a different category. In most places, Tally.ERP 9 prevents you from making this error, by not displaying a cost centre belonging to a different category.

However, this action is not possible when you are altering a cost centre in multiple mode, selecting All Items in Under Cost Centre field. (You may have chosen to skip either or both).

You would have changed the Category without changing the name and the parent.  However, Tally.ERP 9 will prompt for this error only at the time of accepting the screen.