On this page:
Recording Purchase Transactions
Recording Adjustment and Payment Transactions
2. How do I define tax rates at group level?
3. How do I define tax rates at ledger level?
4. How do I define tax rates at stock item level?
5. The VAT rate I have configured has changed now. How can I revise the rate in my data?
1. How do I create a supplier ledger?
2. How do I create a customer ledger?
3. How do I create a purchase ledger?
4. How do I create a sales ledger?
5. How do I create a VAT ledger under Duties & Taxes?
6. How do I create a VAT ledger under Current Assets or Current Liabilities?
7. How do I create a VAT classification?
8. How do I enable calculation of VAT based on Quantity or Value for Rajasthan?
1. How do I record local purchase transaction for items attracting VAT based on quantity?
2. How do I record interstate purchase invoice against Form C?
3. How do I record interstate purchase invoice for items attracting multiple CST rates without Form C?
4. How do I record purchases of capital goods?
5. How do I record taxable purchases with additional ledger?
6. How do I record purchases made from unregistered dealers?
7. How do I record purchase transaction for works contract?
1. How do I record a local sales invoice for taxable goods with multiple VAT rates?
2. How do I record an interstate sales invoice against Form C?
3. How do I record interstate sales invoice for items attracting multiple CST rates without Form C?
4. How do I record a sales works contract transaction?
5. How to enable Rate (Inclusive of Tax) for the stock items while passing invoice?
6. How do I record a sales transaction inclusive of tax?
7. How do I record sales transaction with tax on MRP?
8. How do I record a transaction by overriding tax details in invoice or voucher?
9. How do I record a sales transaction with VAT and service tax?
10. How do I record interstate sales with additional expense?
11. How do I record sales invoice with VAT and excise duty?
1. How do I record a purchase return?
2. How do I record a sales return?
3. How do I record a payment voucher?
4. How do I record a journal voucher for adjustment towards CST?
5. How do I record a journal voucher for decrease of output tax?
6. How do I record a journal voucher for increase in tax liability?
7. How do I record a journal voucher for increase in input tax?
8. How do I record a journal voucher for reversal of input tax?
9. How do I create a journal voucher for VAT refund?
1. What are the new enhancements provided in Release 5.3.4?
2. What is VAT Form 10 report?
3. How do I export data to template prescribed for CST Form 1?
4. What are excluded transactions?
5. What are included transaction?
6. What are uncertain transactions?
7. How do I generate the latest template provided for Form VAT 10 provided in Release 5.3.4?
8. How do I save the VAT return?
9. How do I recompute the VAT returns?
10. Are the tax payment transactions included in Total number of transactions shown in VAT computation?
No, the tax payment transactions are not included in Total Number of Transactions shown in VAT computation report.
The tax payment details are shown separately under the heading Payment Details.
1. What are the new annexures provided in Release 5.3?
Annexure 47A and 49A are provided in release 5.3 with the provision to export data to e-annexure templates.
2. How do I print or export data to latest template provided for annexure Form 7?
3. How do I generate annexure Form 7A?
4. How do I print or export data to latest template provided for Annexure 8?
5. How do I generate Annexure 8A?
6. How do I generate Annexure 12?
7. How do I export data to latest template provided for Annexure 47A?
8. How do I generate annexure Form 48?
9. How do I export data to latest template provided for annexure Form 49A?
10. How do I generate annexure Form 50?
11. How do I generate annexure Form C?
12. How do I generate annexure Form E1EII?
13. How do I generate annexure Form F?
14. How do I generate annexure Form I?
17. Is there an option to round off values in Annexure 7a and 8a for Rajasthan?
1. How do I resolve Unable to determine country/state exception?
2. How do I resolve Unable to determine party's dealer type exception?
3. How do I resolve Unable to determine duty type of ledger exception?
4. How do I resolve Unable to determine the tax details of the stock group/stock item(s) exception?
5. How do I resolve Unable to determine the tax details of group/ledger(s) exception?
6. How do I resolve Conflict in party's country/state in master and transaction exception?
7. How do I resolve Transactions accepted with tax information conflicts exception?
8. How do I resolve Mismatch in tax amount exception?
9. How do I resolve Unable to determine nature of adjustment exception?
10. How do I resolve Unable to determine purchase tax details exception?
11. How do I view Tax Payment Reconciliation report?
12. What is Return Transaction Book?
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