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Purchase Annexures - 11 to 14 (Tamil Nadu)


Annexure 11

Annexure 12

Annexure 13-14


The goods imported from outside the country (direct import and high sea purchase) is displayed in Annexure-11.

The transactions that fulfill the following prerequisites will be displayed in Annexure 11:

      The Nature of Transaction selected is Imports and Purchase High Seas.

      In party ledger master,

o      The State selected is other than Tamil Nadu.

o      The VAT TIN is of 11 digits and it does not start with 33.

o      The Type of Dealer selected is Regular.

      Commodity Code is defined in the stock item master.

The xml file can be uploaded successfully only if all the aforementioned prerequisites are fulfilled. XML file can be generated either from the annexure screen or from the exported excel template.

To view Annexure 11

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > e-C TAX > Annexure Ready.

2.     Select Annexure 11.

3.     Press Ctrl+E to export.

4.     Specify the period and press Enter to export the data.

The XML file will be created in the Tally.ERP 9 application folder. In case of excel template, the data is exported to excel template, and the xml is generated after validating the data.

The excel template contains three worksheets:

      Help: This sheet provides details on different elements of the excel sheet and do’s and don’ts.

      Basic Details: This sheet will record the company and period information.

      Annexure-11: This sheet will record the transaction details for the period.

Field Name


Basic Details Worksheet

Dealer TIN

Displays VAT TIN (Regular) entered in Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.

Tax Period From

Displays the starting date of return period of the report which was entered in the From (blank for beginning) field of Export Report screen.

Tax Period To

Displays the ending date of return period of report which was entered in the To (blank for end) field of Export Report screen.

Annexure - 11  Worksheet


Displays the Type of Transfer based on the Nature of Transaction selected in the invoice. On selecting the Nature of Transaction as:

      Imports, the Type of Transfer appears as Own import

      Purchase High Seas, the Type of Transfer appears as High Sea Purchase/Inbond Purchase

Name of Original Importer

Displays the name of the party ledger selected in the invoice.

Seller TIN

Displays the VAT TIN predefined for the party ledger selected in the invoice. TIN is of 11 digits but it does not  start with 33.

Foreign Seller Name

Displays the name of the party selected at the invoice.

Foreign Seller Address

Displays the address entered in the party ledger creation screen or in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

Country of Export

Displays the information entered in Country To field in Statutory Details screen of purchase invoice.

Import / Export Code of Buyer

Displays the Export/Import Code predefined in the party ledger master.

Bill of Entry No.

Displays the information entered in Bill of Entry No. field in Statutory Details screen of

purchase invoice.

Bill of Entry Date

Displays the date entered for Bill of Entry No. in Statutory Details screen of purchase invoice.

Commodity Code

Displays the Commodity Code predefined in the VAT Details screen.

Quantity of Goods

Displays the quantity entered for each stock item in the invoice.

Value of Goods Imported (Rs.)

Displays the assessable value of each commodity in the invoice. This will include all other expenses affecting the purchase cost such as freight, discount and so on.

Duty Paid on Goods (Rs.)

Displays the amount entered in Duty Paid field in Statutory Details screen of purchase invoice.

Total value of goods (Rs.)

Displays the sum of assessable value and duty paid. It also displays the total value of goods own imported, goods from high sea purchase from other countries and goods imported in their respective fields.


The details of Input VAT Reversals for the purchases made within the state and tax paid on such purchases are displayed in Annexure-12.

The transactions that fulfill the following prerequisites will be displayed in Annexure-12:

      The following VAT Adjustments have to be selected in journal voucher to capture values in this annexure:

o      Reverse Credit - Goods Used for Civil Structures

o      Reverse Credit - Goods Utilised for Self Use

o      Reverse Credit - Purchase of Automobiles, Spare Parts

o      Reverse Credit - Purchase of Air Conditioners

o      Reverse Credit - Goods Given As Gift, Free Sample

o      Reverse Credit - Goods Lost on Theft, Loss, Etc.

o      Reverse Credit - Inputs Destroyed in Fire Or Lost

o      Reverse Credit - Inputs Damaged in Transit Or Destroyed Before Mfg.

o      Reverse Credit - Unavailed Credit on Capital Goods (Time Barred)

o      Reverse Credit - Consignment Sales Without 'F' Form

o      Reverse Credit - Stock Transfer Without 'F' Form

o      Reverse Credit - Production of Exempted Goods (Finished)

o      Reverse Credit - Interstate Sale Without 'C' Form

o      Reverse Credit - ITC Availed for Finished Goods Subsequently Exempt

o      Reverse Credit on Others

      In party ledger master,

o      The State selected is Tamil Nadu.

o      The VAT TIN is of 11 digits and it starts with 33.

o      The Type of Dealer selected is Regular.

      Commodity Code is defined in the stock item master.

The xml file can be uploaded successfully only if all the aforementioned prerequisites are fulfilled. XML file can be generated either from the annexure screen or from the exported excel template.

To view Annexure 12

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > e-C TAX> Annexure Ready.

2.     Select Annexure 12.

3.     Press Ctrl+E to export.

4.     Specify the period and press Enter to export the data.

The XML file will be created in the Tally.ERP 9 application folder. In case of excel template, the data is exported to excel template and the xml is generated after validating the data.

The excel template contains three worksheets:

      Help: This sheet provides details on different elements of the excel sheet and do’s and don’ts.

      Basic Details: This sheet will record the company and period information.

      Annexure-12: This sheet will record the transaction details for the period.

Field Name


Basic Details Worksheet

Dealer TIN

Displays VAT TIN (Regular) entered in Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.

Tax Period From

Displays the starting date of return period of the report which was entered in the From (blank for beginning) field of Export Report screen.

Tax Period To

Displays the ending date of return period of report which was entered in the To (blank for end) field of Export Report screen.

Annexure - 12  Worksheet

Nature of Transactions

Displays the VAT Adjustment selected in journal voucher and the relevant reason from the drop-down list provided in the template. The reasons which are populated in the template on selecting VAT flags in journal voucher are listed here.

Commodity Code

Displays the Commodity Code predefined in the VAT Details screen.

Value of Goods Involved (Rs.)

Displays the assessable value entered in the VAT Details screen on selecting input VAT ledger.

Rate of Tax

Displays the rate predefined in the VAT Details screen.

Amount of Input tax to be reversed (Rs.)

Displays the input VAT amount entered in the journal voucher.

Details of Total Purchase Value

Displays the details of the purchase value and tax paid categorized based on the rate.



The Annexures 13_14 displays the details of Opening Balance of Capital Goods ITC, Capital Goods purchases and ITC availment of current period. These annexures have to be filed together to claim input tax credit to the extent of,

      50% in the first year (year of purchase)

      25% in the subsequent year

The purchase details in Annexure 13 can be repeated until 100% of the input tax credit is claimed. In Annexure 14, updated claim percentages for subsequent years have to be specified.

The transactions that fulfill the following prerequisites will be displayed in the Annexure-13:

      Transaction is recorded in purchase voucher.

      In the VAT Details screen of capital goods ledger grouped under Fixed Assets,

o      Nature of Transaction is selected as Purchase - Capital Goods

o      Tax Rate is specified as 5%.

o      First Schedule is selected in the Schedule option.

      In party ledger master,

o      The State selected is Tamil Nadu.

o      The Type of Dealer selected is Regular and the TIN is of 11 digits and it starts with 33.

The transactions that fulfill the following prerequisites will be displayed in Annexure-14:

Transaction is recorded in journal voucher by:

      Selecting Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods as the VAT Adjustment.

      VAT ledger grouped under Duties & Taxes with Type of Duty/Tax set to VAT is debited.

      Ledger grouped under Current Assets is credited.

The xml file can be uploaded successfully only if all the aforementioned prerequisites are fulfilled. XML file can be generated either from the annexure screen or from the exported excel template.

To view Annexure 13 -14

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > e-C TAX > Annexure Ready.

2.     Select Annexure 13_14.

3.     Press Ctrl+E to export.

4.     Specify the period and press Enter to export the data.

The XML file will be created in the Tally.ERP 9 application folder. In case of excel template, the data is exported to excel template and the xml is generated after validating the data. The different fields in the excel template are described below:

The excel template contains three worksheets:

      Help: This sheet provides details on different elements of the excel sheet and do’s and don’ts.

      Basic Details: This sheet will record the company and period information.

      Annexure-13_14: This sheet will record the transaction details for the period.

Field Name


Basic Details Worksheet

Dealer TIN

Displays VAT TIN (Regular) entered in Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.

Tax Period From

Displays the starting date of return period of the report which was entered in the From (blank for beginning) field of Export Report screen.

Tax Period To

Displays the ending date of return period of report which was entered in the To (blank for end) field of Export Report screen.

Annexure - 13  Worksheet

TIN of Seller

Displays the VAT TIN predefined for the party ledger selected in the invoice. TIN is 11 digits long and it starts with 33.

Invoice No.

Displays the number entered in Supplier Invoice No. field of the purchase invoice.

Date of invoice

Displays the supplier invoice date entered in the purchase invoice.

Value of Capital Goods (Rs.)

Displays the assessable value entered in purchase voucher by selecting capital goods predefined with 5% tax rate. The capital goods predefined with any other tax rate will be displayed in Annexure-1.

Rate of Tax (%)

Displays tax rate predefined in the VAT Details screen..

VAT paid (Rs.)

Displays the VAT amount which is auto calculated.

ITC adjusted upto previous month (Rs.)

Displays the input tax credit claimed up to previous month. The input tax credit is entered in journal voucher by selecting the VAT Adjustment, Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods.

Annexure - 14  Worksheet

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded by selecting the VAT Adjustment, Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods

TIN Seller

Displays the TIN predefined for the Party Name selected in the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

Invoice No.

Displays the Supplier Ref No. entered in the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

Date of invoice

Displays the Supplier Date entered in the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

Date of Commercial Production

Displays the Date of Production entered in the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

ITC availed during the month (Rs.)

Displays the amount entered for input VAT ledger in the journal voucher .