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Interstate Purchase with Additional Expenses (Andhra Pradesh)

To record interstate purchase transaction with additional expenses

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase.

2.     Click F12: Configure.

3.     Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date in the purchase invoice.

4.     Select the party ledger in Party's A/c Name option.

5.     Enter Party Details, as required.

Note: Ensure the supplier's state selected is other than Andhra Pradesh. Set the option Is against C Form? to Yes or No as per requirement.

6.     Select Purchase Ledger from the List of Ledger Accounts.

7.     Select the Interstate Purchase - Taxable as Classification/Nature in VAT Classification Details screen.

8.     Select the Name of Item from the List of Stock Items.

9.     Enter the Quantity and Rate.

10.  Select the additional expense, and enter the amount.

11.  Select the CST ledger from the List of Ledgers. The purchase invoice appears as shown below:

12.  Press Enter to save.