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Exporting VAT Form 13 (Assam)

To export data to VAT Form 13 template

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form 13.

2.     Press Ctr+E to export the government prescribed VAT form.

3.     Select the Type of Return.

4.     Enter the Name, Status/Designation, Place, and Date.

5.     Enter the Date of Original Return if filing a revised return.

6.     Press Enter to export the data to template. The data gets exported to relevant fields of annexure G, GG, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, and CST Form III and worksheets.  

The data is exported to the e-return template.

A brief explanation about the form fields is given below:

Field Name Description


Displays the TIN which was already entered in the template downloaded by dealer from the portal.

Tax Period

Displays the period which was already entered in the template downloaded by dealer from the portal.

Name and style of the business

Displays the name and the nature of business which were already entered in the template downloaded by dealer from the portal.


Displays the company address which was already entered in the template downloaded by dealer from the portal.

Name of the goods dealt in

Displays the name of the goods the company mostly dealt in. This  was already entered in the template downloaded by dealer from the portal.

PART A                              PURCHASES IN THE MONTH (INPUT) Value excluding Tax Tax Claimed

6. (a) Non-Creditable Exempt Purchase/Receipt Rs.

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) of transactions recorded in purchase invoice and debit note in Value Excluding VAT column.

(6) (b) Non-creditable Interstate Purchase/Receipt

Displays the net assessable value of purchases made using the Nature of Transactions as Branch Transfer Inward and Interstate Consignment. These purchases are not liable to tax and the input tax credit can not be availed on these purchases.

(6) (c) Non-creditable Schedule IV Purchase/Receipt

Displays the values of transactions recorded by selecting goods classified under Schedule IV in purchase invoice, debit note and credit note.


6(d) Schedule IV Purchase/Receipt creditable under section 10(1A)

Displays the gross assessable and taxable value of purchase  of the Liquor (Schedule IV goods) with Purchase Taxable or Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods  selected as the Nature of Transactions.

7(a) 1% Rate Purchase

Displays the gross value (purchase assessable and taxable value) of transactions recorded by selecting goods classified under all schedules except Schedule IV in purchase invoice, debit note and credit note. The assessable value is displayed in Value Excluding VAT (A) column and the input VAT is displayed in Tax Claimed (B) column. The value of tax is considered as input tax credit and it is displayed in PART E.

(7) (b) 14.5% Rate Purchase

Displays the gross value (purchase assessable and taxable value) of transactions recorded by selecting goods classified under all schedule except Schedule IV in purchase invoice, debit note and credit note. The assessable value is displayed in Value Excluding VAT (A) column and the input VAT is displayed in Tax Claimed (B) column. The value of tax is considered as input tax credit and it is displayed in PART E.

(8) 4% Rate Purchases

Displays the gross value (purchase assessable and taxable value) of transactions  recorded by selecting stock items attracting 4% tax rate in purchase invoice and debit note.

(9) 5% Rate Purchase

Displays the gross value (purchase assessable and taxable value) of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 5% tax rate in purchase invoice and debit note.

(10) (a) 13.5% Rate Purchases

Displays the gross value (purchase assessable and taxable value)  of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 13.5% tax rate in purchase invoice and debit note.

(10) (b) 20% Rate Purchases

Displays the gross value (purchase assessable and taxable value)  of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 20% tax rate in purchase invoice and debit note.

(10) (c) 30% Rate Purchases

Displays the gross value (purchase assessable and taxable value)  of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 30% tax rate in purchase invoice and debit note.

(11) Total Amount of input tax

Displays the auto calculated value of total input tax on taxable purchases.

PART C                             SALES IN THE MONTH (OUTPUT)

(12) Exempt Sales

Displays the net assessable value transactions recorded by selecting stock items under Schedule I in sales invoice and credit note. The amount is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(13) Zero Rate Sales - International Exports

Displays the net assessable values of transactions recorded in sales invoice and credit note. The amount is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(14) Zero Rate Sales - Other (CST Sales)

Displays the net assessable values of transactions recorded in sales invoice and credit note by selecting Interstate Sales Zero Rated as the Nature of Transaction. The amount is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(15) Other Exempt Sales

Displays the net assessable values of transactions recorded in sales invoice and credit note. The amount is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) Tax Due on Purchase of goods

Displays the value of journal voucher recorded to account for purchase tax liability.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (a) 1% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 1% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (b) 2% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 2% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (c) 4% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 4% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (d) 5% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 5% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (e) 9% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 9% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (f) 12% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 12% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (g) 12.5% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 12.5% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (g) 13.5% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 13.5% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (h) 16.5% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 16.5% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (i) 22% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 22% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (j) 14.5% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 14.5% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(16) (k) 27.5% Rate Purchase

Displays the details of journal voucher recorded for purchase tax liability at 27.5% tax rate.

The VAT amount credited in the voucher appears in Tax Due (B) column.

The assessable value entered in the sub screen displayed on selecting the VAT ledger is displayed in Value Excluding Tax (A) column.

(17) 1% Rate Sales

Displays the gross value of transaction recorded by selling stock items attracting 1% tax rate in sales invoice and credit note.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in VAT Excluding Tax (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

(18) 14.5% Rate Sales

Displays the gross value of transaction recorded by selling stock items attracting 14.5% tax rate in sales invoice and credit note.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in VAT Excluding Tax (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

(19) 5% Rate Sales

Displays the gross value of transaction recorded by selling stock items attracting 5% tax rate in sales invoice and credit note.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in VAT Excluding Tax (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

(20)0. 5% Rate Sales

Displays the gross value of transaction recorded by selling stock items attracting 0.5% tax rate in sales invoice and credit note.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in VAT Excluding Tax (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

(21) Output Tax

Displays auto-calculated value

PART D                            SALES IN THE MONTH

22 (a) (i).5% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting .5% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (a) (ii) 1% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 1% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (b) 2% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 2% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (c ) (i) 4% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 4% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (c ) (ii) 5% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 5% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22(d) 9% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 9% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (e) 12% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 12% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (f) 12.5% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 12.5% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22(g) (1) (16.5%) Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 16.5% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22(g) (2) 20% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 20% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (h) 22% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 22% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (i)(1) 27.5% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 27.5% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (i)(2) 25% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 25% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (j)(1) 30% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 30% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22 (j)(2) 6% Sale (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the gross value of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 6% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively.

22(j)(3) Tax due [(1) –(2)]

This field is left blank.

22(k) Pre-owned cars (Rs.3,000/- per car)

Displays the taxable amount for sales transactions recorded for cars below 1000cc.

22(l) Pre-Owned Cars (Rs.10, 000/- per car)

Displays the taxable amount for sales transactions recorded for cars above 1000cc.

22(m) Tax paid Sales

This field is left blank.

22(n) 14.5% Rate Sales (Fourth Schedule)

Displays the values of transactions recorded by selecting stock items attracting 14.5% tax rate in sales invoice.

The net assessable value and VAT are displayed in Value Excluding TAX (A) and Tax Due (B) columns respectively

(23) Output Tax

Displays auto-calculated value. This is the aggregate value of output VAT due on all Schedule IV sales on which output VAT is charged.

PART E                            TAX CALCULATIONS

(24) Output tax [Part C (21)+ Part D (23)]

Displays the total of box (21) + (23).

(25) (1) Add : adjustment to output tax, if any (specify)

Displays the adjustment towards increase in output tax adjusted using debit note and journal voucher.  

(25) (1) Less : adjustment to output tax, if any (specify)

Displays the adjustments towards increase in output tax adjusted using credit note and journal voucher.   

(26) Total Output tax [(24)+/-(25)]

Displays auto-calculated value of the net output VAT liability.

(27) Input tax credit on purchases

Displays the aggregate amount of tax paid on purchases eligible for claiming input tax credit. The value is taken from box 11.

(28) (a) (1) Add : adjustment to input tax, if any (specify)

Displays all the adjustments towards increase in input tax made in credit note and journal voucher.  

(28) (a) (1) Less : adjustment to input tax, if any (specify)

Displays all the adjustments towards decrease in input tax made in debit note and journal voucher.   

(28) (b) Add: ITC balance brought forward from previous period

Displays the value of excess input credit brought forward in VAT Computation report for a particular return period.

(29) Net Input tax credit [(27)+/-(28)]

Displays auto-calculated value.

(30) (a) Tax payable [(26) – (29)]

Displays auto-calculated value.

(30) (a) ITC balance carried forward to next period [ (29)-(26)]

Displays auto-calculated value.

(31) (a) Interest payable

Displays debit value of expenses entered in journal voucher to account for interest dues.

(31) (b) Penalty payable

Displays debit value of expenses entered in journal voucher to account for penalty.

(32) Aggregate amount payable

Displays auto-calculated value.


(32) Tax Paid

Displays the VAT payment voucher total.

(33) Sales Tax Deducted

Displays the total amount of sales tax deducted.

(34) Adjustment against CST liability

Displays the value debited against CST liability.

(35) Tax Balance (Negative Amount denotes Excess Paid)

Displays auto-calculated value.

(36) Refund Claim

This field is left blank.


Displays the Name, Status/Designation and Date entered in VAT Return 13 Exporting screen of Form VAT 13 report.