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Creating Attendance or Production Types (Payroll)

Attendance/Production Type represents the basic units that Tally.ERP uses to compute employees' pay, and to track and represent data on productivity. Attendance/production types are dependent on the Pay Heads that constitute employees' pay structure, and so you may need to define multiple types.

You can also define Attendance/Production Types in hierarchical group to ensure that attendance types having a common unit are combined under logical groups. For example, The group Present Days can have Present and Leave with Pay as sub-groups.

You can define the Attendance/Production Type as follows:

  • Attendance/Leave with Pay: Use this to record the positive attendance and leave with pay (For example, Present, Sick Leave )

  • Leave without Pay: Use this to record negative attendance (For example, Absent, Leave Without Pay)

  • Production type: Use this record the Production details (For example, Piece Production, Overtime Hours)

  • User Defined Calendar Type: Use this to create a user-defined calendar which can be used later to specify the variable number of production days for each month. For example, 25 days in January, 24 days in February, and 26 days in March.

To create Attendance /Production Types, click the below links: