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Location / Godown Summary

The Godown / Location Summary statement shows the stock summary at different godowns/ locations. While the main Stock Summary shows the stock position for the entire company on a given date, the Godown / Location Summary is a statement of stock-in-hand at each location on a particular date.

As with all Tally.ERP 9 statements, it is updated with every transaction so that it provides current stock position for any godown/location at any time.

This statement can be drilled down and configured to view different details. It is also possible to view the total stock flow for each location in a single report.

To view the Godown / Location Summary Report:

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statements of Inventory > Godowns > Primary

  • Press Alt + F1 for a detailed view.

The Godown Summary screen is displayed as shown


  • To go to individual Godown Summary, press Enter on the required Godown, the screen will appear as shown :


F12: Configuration in Location/Godown Summary

Configurations will enable the user to view the report according to the requirements.


The Configuration settings Show Quantities, Show Rates, Show Values, Show Opening Balance are self explanatory.

Show goods inwards

By default this option will be set to ‘No’, when it is set ‘Yes’, it will display the all ‘Inward’ details, like inward quantities, inward rate and inward value.

Show goods outwards

By default this option will be set to ‘No’, when it is set ‘Yes’, it will display the all ‘Outward’ details, like outward quantities, outward rate and outward value.

Show Closing balance

By default this option will be set to ‘Yes’. It will display closing quantity, rate and value.

Closing Quantity = Opening quantity + Inward Quantity – Outward Quantity

Closing Rate = Closing Value / Closing Quantity

Closing Value = The Closing Stock Value will be based on the Costing Method adopted for each item.

Show Opening Balance

By default this option will be set to ‘No’, when it is  set ‘Yes’, it will display the Opening Balance given in the stock item master screen.

Show All Items (incl. zero balances)

By default this option will be set to ‘No’, when it is set ‘Yes’, it will display the zero balance items also (stock item transacted for the particular godown will be displayed. Non -transacted stock item will not be displayed).

Exclude Items With No Transactions

By default this option will be set to ‘No’, when it is set ‘Yes’, it will display those items which have no transactions.

Show Gross Value for Outwards

Gross value of Outwards refers to that value which is inclusive of the values of VAT/any other allowed ledger under accounting allocation screen of the stock item. By default this option will be set to ‘No’, when it is set ‘Yes’, it will display the gross value of the outwards.

Show Consumption & Gross Profits

By default this option will be set to ‘No’. Pressing F7: Show Profit in the button bar or enabling this option in F12: Configuration will display gross profit / loss of the particular godown selected.

For detailed explanation on each column click here

Show Gross Profits on Gross Value

By default this option will be set to ‘No’. When this option is set to Yes, the gross profit will be calculated on the Gross Value which is inclusive of the values of VAT/any other allowed ledger under accounting allocation screen of the stock item.

Show using Alternate Units

By default this option will be set to ‘No’. By setting this option to ‘Yes’, it will display the Alternate Units information, if stock item is created with the Alternate units

Show Tail Units of Compound Units

By default this option will be set to ‘No’. By setting this option to ‘Yes’, it will display the Compound Units information, if stock item is created with the Compound units

Appearance of Stock Item Names

You can to select the different display name styles for the stock item. By default it will display the Name Style which is selected in the F12: General Configuration under ‘Style of Names’.

Appearance of Names

You can select the different display name style other than stock items (for ex: Stock Group). By default it will display the Name Style which is selected in the F12: General Configuration under ‘Style of Names’.

Scale Factor of Values

You can view the report with different scale factors.

Sorting Method

You can view the report ‘Alphabetical’ or ‘Amount-Wise’ or ‘Quantity –Wise’ or ‘Rate-Wise’ increasing / decreasing.

Expand all levels in Detailed Format

You can view the report in detailed mode. It will display the ‘Sub-Groups’, ‘Stock item’, ‘Batches’ and ‘Godown’ details.

Button Options in Godown Summary

F4: Godown

Navigation to other godown from the same report is possible.

F5: Item Wise

If any of the stock items is created with Stock Group / Sub- Stock Group, then from the same report you will be allowed to view the item wise report.

F6: Monthly

This report will display the monthly wise movement of the stock item for the particular godown.

F7: Show Profit

Godown wise stock item profitability will be displayed.

For detailed explanation on each column click here

F7: Orders

You will be able to view ‘Nett Stock’, ‘Purchase Orders Outstanding’, ‘Saleable Stock ‘, ‘Sales Orders Outstanding’ and ‘Stock-In-Hand’ for the stock item select based on the particular ‘Godown’.

C: New Column

You can view the report of various godowns in the single screen. In the column details screen under ‘Name of Godown’ select the required godown, ‘New Column’ will be displayed in the existing screen along the godown selected earlier.

A : Alter Column

If you like to alter the existing godown display and like to view the report of other godown, ‘Alter Column’ can be selected

N :  Auto Column

This option will enable you to view the report Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Yearly, etc, of all godowns.

To view Stock summary from the above Godown Summary,  press Enter on any of the Stock Group / Stock Items, the Stock Summary report will appear as shown :



Godown/Location Stock Flow/Reconciliation

Godown/Location Vouchers