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Release 5.3 - Product Improvements                         

Accounting Vouchers

      Purchase rate for an item was not appearing automatically in a purchase invoice, resolved: While recording a purchase invoice, the rate of selected item was appearing based on the value from previous invoice. However, it was not appearing automatically when sales order feature alone was enabled, and not purchase order.

Inventory Vouchers

      The voucher number of purchase order was changing automatically when stock query was opened while recording the voucher, resolved: If the option S: Stock Query was clicked while recording a purchase order, the voucher number was changing automatically on returning to Order Voucher Creation screen.

Accounting Reports

      Company’s TIN was being displayed in place of party’s VAT registration in column purchase register of data migrated from 4.93 or older versions to release 5.0, resolved: When purchase register was viewed in columnar format by enabling the option Show Party’s Tax Regn. No., the company’s TIN number was appearing in TIN/Sales Tax No. column of the report. This was occurring in data migrated from release 4.93 or older versions to release 5.0 or later versions.


      The issue of the field Country in ledger masters not updating while migrating Kenya data from Release 4.93, resolved: When data was migrated from Release 4.93 to Release 5.3, the field Country selected as Kenya with PIN No. entered in the ledger master did not get updated.


      Provision is made to synchronise data when Tally.ERP 9 is operated at different locations, in different languages: Now, data synchronisation is possible when the application is being run at different locations, and in different languages.


      A new attribute Confirm Text is introduced at Form level to modify the text displayed in the confirmation window: You can now modify the text Accept? displayed in the confirmation window using the attribute Confirm Text, as required.

      An action Exec Excel Macro is provided at the Form level: The action Exec Excel Macro can be used during export of data or while writing data into an Excel file to execute the macros defined in Excel.

Statutory and Taxation


      A provision is made to adjust the credit of education cess and secondary education cess towards payment of excise duty or service tax: CENVAT credit of education cess and secondary education cess was allowed for utilisation only against the respective duty heads earlier. Adhering to the latest notification, a provision is made to utilise the CENVAT credit availed on these duty heads towards payment of excise duty.

      The issue of errors in XML file generated for transactions of exempt nature of removal, resolved: In the XML format of e-return, the notification details provided in the transactions recorded with exempt nature of removal were not displayed. Also, the duty payable amount was blank.

      In migrated data, the option to print invoice in ARE-1 format was appearing, resolved: Now, in data migrated from 4.9x releases, when an invoice recorded with nature of removal provided for exports is printed, the option to print the invoice in ARE-1 format is not displayed.

      A provision is made to print buyer/consignee PAN in the excise sales invoice: As per the latest statutory requirement, the PAN of seller and buyer are displayed in printed excise sales invoice and commercial invoice.


      Section code was not displayed for new TDS nature of payments during voucher entry, resolved: Now, when a new TDS nature of payment is created, the Section code is displayed during voucher entry.


Andhra Pradesh

      The new annexures supported for Andhra Pradesh are:

o      Credit Note (Credit Note Issued)

o      Credit Note (Debit Note Received- Price Rise)

o      Debit Note (Credit Note Received)

o      Debit Note (Debit Note Issued-Price Rise)


      A provision is made to support recording of sales of pre-owned cars of different engine capacity with their respective VAT amount:  Sale transactions for pre-owned cars with the specified VAT amount can now be recorded. The VAT amount for the pre-owned cars as per the Fourth Schedule goods are as follows:

o      Rs. 2,000 per car for below 1,000 cc.

o      Rs. 5,000 per car for above 1,000 cc.


      In Annexure 2A, 2B, 30 and 31, incorrect value was being displayed in some of the columns, resolved.

      Provision is made in Form DVAT 16, CST Form 1 and VAT annexures to support the changes provided by the department:

o      Rate changes of 16.6% and 20%.

o      Omission of sale and purchase value of Petrol/Diesel Suffered Tax on Full Sale Price at OMC level.

      Provision is made in Form DVAT 16 to support adjustment entries as per the latest template.


      Stock quantity details were not being captured in e-VAT Annexure 201C, resolved: The stock quantity details such as opening balance, incoming, outgoing details, closing balance were not being captured in the e-VAT Annexure 201C. This occurred even though the details were recorded in the stock item master.

      The issue of opening and closing balance quantity being doubled in e-VAT Annexure 201C, resolved: When the opening balance was provided in the stock item master, and a purchase/sales entry was recorded, the opening balance figure in e-VAT Annexure 201C appeared doubled. This behavior was also noticed with closing balance.


      Revised purchase and sales annexures are supported to file returns using the latest utility tool provided by the department.

      Local sales and purchase transactions were listed under Vouchers with errors in annexure list, resolved: If the transactions contained commodity name other than the name provided by the department, the annexures with these transactions were being listed under Vouchers with errors.


      Name correction for exported files: The names of the following exported files are now corrected:

o      Local Purchase  corrected from IP_M4_2015.xml to LP_M4_2014.xml

o      Local Sales corrected from  VAT_SL_EXL.xml to LS_M4_2014.xml

o      Local Sales Return corrected from LCN_3_2015.xml to  LCN_M4_2014.xml

      The issues with POS Invoice that was recorded with multi payment mode was displaying only the cash amount in the e-VAT annexures, resolved: Following were the issues in e-VAT annexure related to capturing cash amount in multi payment mode:

o      When the sales transaction was recorded with or without voucher class (inclusive of VAT) using POS invoice using multimode payment, only the cash amount was getting considered in net value in the e-VAT annexure.

o      When a transaction was recorded with voucher class (exclusive of VAT) using POS invoice using multimode payment, only the bank amount  was getting considered in net value in the e-VAT annexure.

o      When a transaction was recorded with party ledger and the mode of payment selected as cash, the duty amount was doubled as taxable amount.

      Value of sales transaction recorded for exports was being displayed as negative in Karnataka e-VAT annexure in certain cases, resolved: Export Annexure in Karnataka e-VAT was displaying the value of sales transaction recorded with Exports as Nature of transaction as negative.

      Sorting of transactions in the VAT annexures are based on voucher date: The sorting of transactions in VAT annexures, which were based on ascending order of party name, are now sorted based on voucher date.


      Debit note values were not being displayed in VAT form and annexures, resolved: When a debit note was recorded with the flags Return of Goods, Escalation in Price of Goods, and  De-escalation in Price of Goods, the values were not displayed in VAT form and annexures.

      Details of items exempted from tax were not displayed in sales annexure, resolved: When a tax invoice was recorded for items exempted from tax, the details were not displayed in sales annexure.

     Details of goods that were not sold at MRP were not being displayed in Form 201, resolved: When a purchase invoice was recorded for goods not sold at MRP with VAT, and goods at MRP without VAT, details of goods not sold at MRP were not displayed in Form 201.

      Values in CST form and annexures were not rounded off to the nearest rupee value, resolved: Values in CST form and annexures are now rounded off to the nearest rupee value.

      The issue of all details not being displayed in purchase annexure export, resolved: Due to purchase annexure template changes, only the first 29 transaction details were exported to e-VAT purchase annexure template.

      Mode of Transportation, Unit, and Required For details were not being displayed in e-CST annexures G, H, and I, resolved: When e-CST annexures G, H, and I were exported to Excel, Mode of Transportation, Unit, and Required For details were not displayed.

      Values in sales and purchase annexure were rounded off to the nearest rupee value, resolved: When sales and purchase annexures were exported to Excel, the decimal values were rounded off to the nearest rupee value.


      Error message about incorrect TIN was displayed for interstate purchases when the TIN entered had 11 digits, and the first two digits were not 08, resolved: Now, error message is not displayed when correct TIN is recorded in interstate purchases.

      E-filing feature supported for annexure 47A and 49A: Data can now be exported to the e-VAT templates provided for annexure 47A (Goods Declaration 47.xls) and annexure 49A (Goods Declaration 49.xls).

      Export of data to latest e-VAT templates is supported: Data can now be exported to the latest templates mentioned below:

o      VATForm10_2015.xls

o      VATForm 07.xls

o      VATForm 08.xls

      Interstate purchases recorded without providing purchase order number and date were displayed in Uncertain Transactions list, resolved: Although filling the Purchase Order No. and Purchase Order Date is not mandated in RAJCST-FormC-PurchaseDetails.xls template, interstate purchases recorded without providing these details were displayed in the Uncertain Transactions list.

      Latest commodity list is supported in accounting and inventory masters: The latest commodity list provided by the department is now available for selection in accounting and inventory masters. The selected commodity name is display is case sensitive, to avoid validation errors.

      Dispatch document number was displayed as serial number of Form VAT - 49, resolved: In the sales invoice, the Despatch Doc. No. entered in the Party Details screen was being  displayed in the Sl. No. in Form VAT-49 field of Statutory Details screen.

Uttar Pradesh

      Name of an item was being captured as commodity code in Annexure B of Uttar Pradesh VAT, resolved: The Commodity Code column was displaying the name of an item in Annexure B report in Uttar Pradesh VAT. This was occurring when commodity code was configured at item master level and not at accounting ledger level.

West Bengal

      A provision is made to support the latest template for forms and annexures.

      A provision is made to include purchase or sales transactions for non-business in VAT report: The values for purchase and sales transactions carried out for non-business consumption were not getting captured in annexures.   

      The state selected in the secondary address for a party ledger was not appearing in the Annexure E, resolved: When a party was created with multiple mailing addresses, the mailing address selected was not being displayed in Annexure E.   

      A provision is made to enter works contracts details while recording a purchase transaction: While recording a purchase transaction, provision is made to specify works contract details such as rate of multiple works contract for a single item. The amount is auto calculated when multiple rates are defined for a single item.

     VAT Return Form 14 for quarterly e-Return is supported as per the new format.

      Latest changes in Form 14 is now supported: The following changes have been made to Form 14:

o      Box No. 15 E ( Goods purchased within the meaning of sub-section (3) of section 5 of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 within the state) is now provided.

o      In payment details, Box No. 45 (Interest fee and late fees) is provided.

o      Changes to Annexure D, Annexure E and F.

     The latest  e-VAT changes in  Form 14 and CST Return forms are provided.  

     Values in Form 14 (e-Return) and Annexure B does not get rounded off, resolved: The following issues with rounding off values were displayed:

o      The values in Form 14 (e-Return) were getting captured in decimals and not getting rounded off.

o      Annexure B captured assessable value and tax value in decimals while recording a purchase transaction.

      Purchase transactions recorded with VAT/Tax classification Purchases - MRP Based were not captured in Annexure B: When a purchase transaction was recorded with VAT/Tax classification Purchases - MRP Based, the values were not getting captured in Annexure B.

      The issue of incorrect details being captured in Annexure B, resolved: When a purchase invoice was recorded using multiple voucher types, the fields No. of tax invoice, invoice bill, cash memo received were getting captured incorrectly in Annexure B.

      The issue of No. of tax invoice, invoice bill, cash memo received column appearing blank, resolved: When a purchase entry was recorded with more than Rs. 50000 after setting the option Is Purchases Against Tax invoice to Yes, the column No. of tax invoice, invoice bill cash memo received in Annexure B was appearing blank.

      The value of additional ledger of local sales was getting captured in the CST form when the option Use for Assessable value was disabled, resolved: When a sales transaction was recorded along with additional ledger with the option Use for Assessable value set to No, the value was being captured in the CST form.  

      The CST Annexure F was capturing the supplier's invoice date instead of voucher date, resolved: In the CST Annexure F, the invoice date was getting captured in the column INVOICE/CHALLAN OR ANY OTHER DOCUMENT UNDER WHICH GOODS WERE SENT.

      VAT return form was capturing the VAT/CST rates in the column 16, part B, resolved: The values of VAT/CST rate was appearing along with the assessable value in the column 16, part B Aggregate of sale price (excluding VAT) of VAT return form.  

      The issue of values appearing incorrectly in Annexure B, resolved.

     Latest versions is supported for forms and annexures: The following forms and annexures are supported in the latest versions:

o      Form 14 - Version 4.5.1

o      CST Form and Annexures - Version 5.0.2 and

o      Receipts Forms - Version 1.2.2.

      A provision is made to support latest version of e-CST and annexures template in West Bengal VAT: A new version of e-CST and annexure template is released by the revenue department. A provision is made to export CST information in the format of the new templates.

      A provision is made to export commodity details to forms and annexures in an accounts only company: Commodity details are now tagged to accounting ledgers in an accounts only company such that the details are exported to forms and annexures.

*States covered for enhanced VAT experience