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Recording a Purchase Entry

When a company buys goods on credit or cash, Purchase voucher is used to record all the Purchase transactions of the company.

To pass a Purchase Voucher,

     Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers.

     Click on F9:Purchase on the Button Bar or press F9.

For example, if you are purchasing goods from Supplier A for a value of Rs. 10000/-

     Debit Purchase Account.

     Credit Party Account.

To pass a Purchase entry in the Invoice mode, you need to enable the option Enable Invoicing in F11: Features (F1: Accounting or F2:Inventory Features).

Invoice mode is of two types, namely:

     An Account Invoice

     An Item Invoice

Account Invoice:  You will be directly selecting/debiting the Ledger account in case you are passing an Account Invoice.  This is useful especially when a Service Bill is entered and does not include Inventory.

Pass a purchase Invoice for Service availed from XYZ Couriers.

Item Invoice: You will be first selecting the Inventory and then allocating the same to the relevant Ledger account.  This is useful to record all the Inventory movements in books of account.

Pass a Purchase Invoice against purchase of Item A – 100 Nos. @ Rs. 10/= per quantity from LMN & Company.

Configuring an Invoice

Before creating the Purchase Invoice, you can set your Invoice Configurations from F12 configure:

     Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchases (As Invoice)

     Select F12 Configure.

     Set the options, as required.

Purchase Invoice Configuration

1.    Accept Supplementary Details: Set this option to Yes to specify the Despatch Details.  If this option is set to No, Print Default Name and Address of Party will be enabled for configuring. Here it captures the default name and address present in the ledger.

2.    Allow separate Buyer and Consignee names:  Customers who are into consignment business and would like to have the Consignee details on the Invoice, have to set this option to Yes.

3.    Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation:  If you would like to allocate all the Items to a single Purchase Ledger in the Invoice, you need to set this option to Yes for faster data entry.

4.    Allow Expenses/Fixed Assets for Accounting Allocation: If you want to use Expense or Fixed Assets ledgers while recording a Purchase entry, set this option to Yes.

5.    Use Defaults for Bill Allocations: Setting this option to Yes will allocate the Bill Numbers automatically as defined in voucher type master in ascending order.

6.    Use Additional Description(s) for Item Name:  If you would like to specify any additional description for item during entry, this option has to be enabled.

7.    Use Additional Description(s) for Ledger Name:  If you would like to specify any additional description for ledger during entry, this option has to be enabled.

8.    Consolidate Stock Items with same rates: If you would like to consolidate the stock items having same rates in Invoice, set this option to Yes.

9.    Show Compound Unit of Item based on Rate: By enabling this option, you will be allowed to show the compound unit of item based on the unit provided in the Rate Per column. For more details, click here.

10.  Show Full Details of Compound Unit: Enabling this option will display full details of compound unit in the Quantity field. For more details, click here.

11.  Confirm each Cheque before Print: When you set this option to Yes, a conformation screen will appear for every cheque used for the transaction before it is printed.

12.  Use Defaults for Bank Allocation: Setting this option to Yes, the Bank Allocations will have default allocations in which, the Transaction type is Cheque, Voucher date as Instrument Date. the Cheque Range and Cheque Number will be Blank if it is not defined.

13.  Use Auto Cheque Numbering: To fetch cheque numbers automatically to the Bank Allocation, set this option to Yes. The first Cheque Range defined for the Bank ledger will be taken as default.

14.  Allow Selection of Cheque Ranges: Setting this option to Yes, allows you to select any cheque range defined for a bank.

15.  Show Remarks in Bank Allocation Details: A new field - Remarks, will appear in the Bank Allocation screen where you can enter your remarks, when this option is set to Yes.

16.  Importer’s Options: This is useful for import transactions.

17.  Show turnover achieved with Customer:  This option will help to view the turnover details during entry.

18.  Allow modification of ALL fields during entry: Default order/delivery note entries appearing in the Invoice can be changed during Invoice entry. Set this option to Yes to permit modification of all fields.

19.  Warn on Negative Stock Balance: Tally.ERP 9 will display a warning message Negative Stock with quantity details. You can then check which item is  having negative stock balance.

20.  Honor Expiry Dates usage for Batches: You can restrict or allow the usage of Expired stocks for selection during entry by configuring this option.

21.  Show batches with Zero Quantity: On setting this to Yes the batches with zero quantity will be available for selection during entry.

22.  Calculate Tax on current Sub-Total: This option should be enabled if the tax needs to be calculated after considering the additional Expenses.

For more details on Purchase Voucher mode configurations refer Voucher Entry Configuration

Special Keys on the Button Bar:

When you are passing an Item Invoice in Invoice mode, the following options will be available in the Button Bar.

Alt+I – Acct Invoice – You can toggle between Item Invoice and Account Invoice, by clicking on this option on the Button Bar or pressing Alt+I or vice-versa.

Ctrl+V – As Voucher – You can toggle between Invoice mode and Voucher mode, by clicking on this option on the Button Bar or pressing Ctrl+V or vice-versa.

Special Keys for Voucher Narration Field

     ALT+R: Recalls the Last narration saved for the first ledger in the voucher, irrespective of the voucher type.

     CTRL+R: Recalls the Last narration saved for a specific voucher type, irrespective of the ledger.