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Viewing Bank Reconciliation Report after Importing Bank Statement

After importing the bank statement, the bank dates are filled in the Bank Date column automatically in the Bank Reconciliation screen.

However, there may be transactions which have been executed at the bank’s end (for example, bank charges, interest credit, and so on) but not yet reflected in the books of accounts. The details of such transactions will appear under the Amount Not Reflected in Company Books in Bank Reconciliation screen. The Bank Reconciliation screen appears as shown below:

The unlinked transactions can be reconciled to existing transactions or a new voucher can be created using this information or it can be deleted.

Note: To avoid errors, it is suggested to save the Bank Reconciliation before reconciling the unlinked transactions.

See also

Reconcile Unlinked Transactions

Reconcile All Unlinked Transactions

Create New Voucher

Re-importing the Bank Statement

View Difference in Bank Balance

Auto Bank Reconciliation

View Bank Statement

Import Bank Statement