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Printing Form VAT 200 and 213 (Telangana)

You can print Form VAT 200 and 213 applicable for Telangana, from Form VAT 200 report under the VAT Reports.

To generate Form 200 and 213

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT 200.

2.    Press Ctrl+P in Form VAT 200 report.

o     Select Original as the Type of Return to print Form VAT 200.

3.    Enter the date on which original return was filed in Date of Return field.

4.    Enter the Name and Status/Designation of authorised person.

5.    Enter the Place of filing returns.

6.    Enter the Date of filing revised return.

7.    Press Enter to print the form. The print preview of Form VAT 200 appears as shown below:

Form VAT 200 (Page - 1)

Form VAT 200 (Page - 2)

Form Description - Form VAT 200 and 213 (Telangana)


Indicates what is new in the form

Indicates what has changed in the form

Indicates what has been removed from the form

A brief explanation about the form fields is given below:

Field Name



Displays the TIN entered in Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.

Enterprise Name

Displays the Mailing Name entered in the Company Creation.

Tax Division

Displays the tax division selected in the Division option of Company VAT Details screen.

Tax Circle

Displays the information entered in Circle field of Company VAT Details screen.

Return Type

Displays the option selected in the field Type of Return in the Print Report screen while printing Form VAT 200.

Return Date

Displays the Date of Return entered in the VAT Return 200 Printing screen.

Return Month - Year

Displays the month and year based on the period selected to view Form VAT 200 report.

01.  Input tax credit from previous month VAT200

Displays the value of:

     Box 7b of previous tax period return if the return is save. If value is not available in box 7b, the value of box 7 is displayed.

     Opening balance of VAT ledger if the return is not saved.


(1) Exempt or non-creditable Purchases

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase and debit note transactions with tax rate defined as 1%, 2%, 5%, and 14.5% in the Value Excluding VAT column.

The transactions with following  Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Exempt

     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward


     Interstate Purchase - E2

     Purchase From Unregistered Dealers

     Purchase from Composition Dealer

     Purchase Others

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

     Interstate Purchase Deemed Export

Also, displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) and CST amount from purchase and debit note transactions with tax rate defined as 1%, 2%, 5%, and 14.5% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

     Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

     Interstate Purchase - E1

Displays the value of input tax credit (ITC) claimed for these transactions in the ITD Claimed column.

(2) 1%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) and VAT from purchase and debit note transactions with tax rate as 1%in the Value Excluding VAT and ITC Claimed columns respectively. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works contract

     Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods

(3) 5%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) and VAT from purchase and debit note transactions with tax rate as 5%in the Value Excluding VAT and ITC Claimed columns respectively. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works contract

     Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods

(4)  14.50%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) and VAT from purchase and debit note transactions with tax rate as 14.5%in the Value Excluding VAT and ITC Claimed columns respectively. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works contract

     Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods

(5) 16%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 16% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(6) 20%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 20% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(7)  22.25%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 22.25% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(8) 27%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 27% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(9) 31.00%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 31% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(10) 33.00%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 33% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(11) 35.2%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 35.2% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(12) 70.00%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 70% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(13) 130%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 130% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(14) 140%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 140% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(15) 150%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 150% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(16) 160%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 160% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(17) 175%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 175% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

(18) 190%

Displays the net assessable value (purchase - purchase returns) from purchase transactions with tax rate as 190% in the Value Excluding VAT column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Purchase Taxable

     Non Creditable Purchase - Special Goods

Total Amount of Input Tax

Displays auto-calculated value.


(1)  Exempt Sales and Exempt Transactions

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from transactions recorded for exempt sales using sales invoice and credit note in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Sales Exempt

     Branch Transfer Outward

     Consignment Transfer Outward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward

     Interstate Branch Transfer Outward

     Labour Charges Collected (5% and 14.5%)


(2)  Zero Rate Sales - International Exports

Displays the net assessable values (sales - sales returns)of transactions recorded for export sales using sales invoice and credit note in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transaction selected as Exports is considered in this case.

(3)  Zero Rate Sales - Others (CST Sales)

Displays the net assessable value from interstate transactions recorded with zero rate using sales invoice and credit note in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transaction is considered in this case:

     Interstate Sales - Taxable

     Interstate Deemed Export

     Interstate Sales - Zero Rated

     Interstate Sales Exempt

     Interstate Sales Exempt - E1

     Interstate Sales - E2

     Interstate Sales - E1

     Interstate Sales - Against Form C

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

     Interstate Labour Charges Collected

(4) Tax Due on Purchase of goods

Displays the value of the VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting VAT as the Type of duty/tax and Tax on URD Purchase as the Nature of adjustment in VAT Due in column.

Journal voucher sample:

Dr Expenses      Rs. xxxx

Cr VAT ledger                   Rs. xxxx

(5) 1%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 1% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(6) 5%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 5% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Sales Taxable

     Sales - Works contract

(7)  14.50%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 14.5% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the following Nature of Transactions are considered in this case:

     Sales Taxable

     Sales - Works contract

(8) 16%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 16% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(9) 20%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 20% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(10)  22.25%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 22.25% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(11) 27%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 27% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(12) 31.00%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 31% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(13) 33.00%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 33% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(14) 35.2%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 35.2% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(15) 70.00%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 70% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(16) 130%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 130% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(17) 140%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 140% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(18) 150%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 150% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(19) 160%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 160% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(20) 175%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 175% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

(21) 190%

Displays the net assessable value (sales - sales returns) from sales transactions with tax rate as 190% in the Value Excluding VAT in column. The transactions with the Nature of Transactions selected as Sales Taxable is considered here.

Total amount of Output Tax

Displays auto calculated value.

If Total Amount of Output Tax Exceeds Total Amount of Input Tax Pay this Amount

Displays the auto-calculated amount of VAT to be paid when output tax is more than input tax amount (Total amount of Output Tax column - Total Amount of Input Tax column).



This column is left blank.


Displays the value of VAT payment remitted to the department from the payment transactions recorded using S: Stat Payment option by selecting VAT or CST as the Tax Type.

Displays the value of VAT adjusted with TDS in the journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as the Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustments as Additional Details.

05. VAT Excess Credit

Displays the excess of input credit when Total amount of Input Tax is more than Total Amount of Output Tax.


06 Refund

Displays the VAT ledger credited in the journal voucher recorded for input tax refund by selecting VAT as the Type of duty/tax and Refund of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment.

Journal voucher sample:

Dr Refund claim (current assets)    Rs. xxxxx

Cr VAT ledger                                            Rs. xxxxx

07. Credit Carried Forward

Displays auto-calculated value.

07a. If you want to adjust the excess amount against the liability under the CST Act please fill in this box the amount to be transferred towards CST liability.

Displays the value of journal voucher recorded for adjustment of input VAT against CST dues by selecting VAT as the Type of duty/tax, Decrease of Input Tax as the Nature of adjustment, and Against CST as  Additional Details.

Journal voucher sample:

Dr CST ledger    Rs. xxxxx

Cr VAT ledger                    Rs. xxxxx

07b. Net Credit Carried Forward

Displays auto-calculated value. When the net credit carried forward is negative, the field is left blank.


Displays the Name, Status/Designation and Date entered in VAT Return 200 Printing screen of Form VAT 200 report.

Last updated for Release 5.5.3

Fields removed in release 5.5.2

(20) For Oil Companies (Petrol and Diesel)

This row has to be filled manually.