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Payment Section of e-VAT- Form 15 (Punjab)

The Payment Section of VAT 15 displays the values of all the expenses paid such as taxes, interest, penalties, and so on. The payment details are also captured in this section.

The description of Payment Section sheet of VAT-15 is given below:

Field Name


1 : Net Tax payable

(i) CST

Displays the auto calculated value from box 6(k)(i) of VAT-15.

(ii) VAT

Displays the  auto calculated value from box 6(k)(ii) of VAT-15.

(iii) PIDFz

This field is currently blank.


Type of Tax

Displays VAT or CST based on the Tax Type selected in Stat Payment Details screen of payment voucher.

Amount of Tax paid late

Displays the amount of VAT and additional tax entered in payment voucher if interest or penalty amount is paid along with it.

If more than one transaction is recorded, the consolidated value of all the transactions appears here. Based on the type of tax selected, the corresponding amount of interest and penalty appears in separate rows.

Amount of interest @ 0.5%

Displays the amount entered by selecting the Payment Type as Interest in the Payment Type screen of payment voucher. If more than one transaction is recorded, the consolidated value of all the transactions appears here. Based on the type of tax selected, the corresponding interest amount appears here.

Amount of penalty @ 2% (if voluntarily paid with tax)

Displays the amount entered by selecting the Payment Type as Penalty in the Payment Type screen of payment voucher. If more than one transaction is recorded, the consolidated value of all the transactions appears here. Based on the type of tax selected, the corresponding penalty amount appears here.

Total of Interest & Penalty

Displays auto calculated value.

3 : Tax Payable (After Interest & Penalty)


Displays auto calculated value.

Payment to be made for

This field is currently blank.

4 : Details of Payments already made

Mode of Payment


     Cash if cash ledger is selected in the tax payment voucher.

     Cheque/DD or E-Payment, based on the Transaction Type selected in Bank Allocations screen of tax payment voucher.

Challan /Instrument No.(CIN)

Displays the Challan No./BIN entered for the payment voucher in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation screen.

Note: If the Challan No./BIN is not provided, then the information entered in Instrument No. field appears here.


Displays the Deposit Date entered for the payment voucher in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation screen.

Bank/Treasury Name

Displays the Name of the Bank entered for the payment voucher in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation screen.

Bank Code/Treasury Code

Displays the Branch code(remittance) entered for the payment voucher in the Stat Payment Details screen of Tax Payment Reconciliation screen.

VAT Amount

Displays the total amount of VAT and additional tax entered in tax payment voucher.

PMF Amount

Displays the auto calculated value.

PMIDF Amount

Displays the auto calculated value.

Total Amount

Displays the auto calculated value.


Displays the auto calculated value.