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Sales Invoice Printing Configuration

You can print your sales invoices recorded in Tally.ERP 9 by clicking P: Print in the sales invoice. On the sales invoice, you can customise your print configuration by pressing F12.

To configure the printing of your sales invoice

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales.

2.    In the sales invoice, press Alt+P to print the invoice.

3.    Press F12 to configure the printing of your sales invoice according to your requirements.

4.    Press Ctrl+A to accept.

Note: Depending on the configurations in the Company Features screen, options are added in the Standard Sales Configuration screen. For example, if you enable VAT in F11 > F3: Statutory features, then the option Print VAT Analysis of Items? and Print VAT/CST % Column? are added to the Standard Sales Configuration screen.