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Assigning Security Controls for Tally.NET User

By default, Tally.NET users are authorised to enter data only, thereby having restricted access to the company data. To provide additional rights to individual Tally.NET users, you need to assign the required rights.

To assign security controls to Tally.NET users

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > F3: Cmp Info > Security Control > Types of Security.

2.    Select Tally.NET User from the List of Security Levels.

3.    Press Enter to view the Security Levels screen.

4.    Select Tally.NET User in the field Use Basic Facilities of.

5.    Enter 0 as the Days allowed for Back Dated vouchers.

6.    Press Enter to skip the field Cut-off date for Back Dated Vouchers.

7.    Enable Set/Alter rules for Print Before Save?, if required.

8.    Set Allow to override tax details?, if required.

9.    Set Allow company to connect, if required.

Note: Set the option Allow company to connect to Yes if you want to remotely connect your company data to the Tally.NET server.

10.  Set Use Tally.NET Authentication, if required. If it is set to Yes, then the user can log in remotely with Tally.NET User capabilities.

The Security Levels screen appears as shown below:

11.  Press Ctrl+A to accept.