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Displaying Cancelled Vouchers

This report is a repository of all cancelled vouchers.

To display Cancelled Vouchers report

     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Exception Reports > Cancelled Vouchers. The List of Cancelled Vouchers screen is displayed.

Changing the Period

By default, the List of Cancelled Vouchers screen displays the cancelled voucher on the current date.

To display the cancelled vouchers for a specific period

1.    Click F2: Period.

2.    Specify the To and From dates.

All the cancelled vouchers in the specified period will be displayed. The List of All Cancelled Vouchers report appears as shown below:

Displaying Narration

To display voucher narration in the List of Cancelled Vouchers report

1.    Click F12: Configure

2.    Set the option Show Narrations Also? to Yes.

Displaying the User Details

The name of the user who entered or altered the transaction can be displayed in this report if the option Use Tally Audit features? has been enabled in the Company Alteration screen.

To do this

1.    Click F12: Configure.

2.    Set the option Show Entered/ Altered by? to Yes.

Note: The option Show Entered/Altered by? will be available only if Tally Audit is enabled for the company.