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Printing VAT Form I (Puducherry)

VAT Form I can be printed for filing returns

To print Form I

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > VAT Form I. The Form I report appears.

2.    Press Ctrl+P to display the Print Report screen. Based on the Form I report period, the From and To dates are displayed here. These dates can be changed from Form I report, if required.

3.    Enter the Name, Status/Designation, Place and Date in the respective fields.

4.    Press Enter to print the form.

Form Description - VAT Form I (Puducherry)

A brief explanation about the form fields is given below:

Field Name


R.1Tax Period

Displays start and end dates of the period for with Form I report is generated respectively in DD/MM/YY format.

R.2 Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN)

Displays the VAT TIN number of the dealer filing the returns, as recorded in the TIN field in Company VAT Details screen.

R.2.1 Full Name of Dealer

Displays the name of the dealer as recorded in the Mailing Name field in Company Creation screen.

Turnover of Sales

Sales (Rs.) (A)

Output tax (Rs.) (B)

R.3 Sales taxable @ 1% >


Displays gross assessable value (including expense/income ledger values) of goods sold at VAT rate 1% in the reporting period. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Displays the output tax value corresponding to the sales at VAT rate 1%. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

R.4 Sales taxable @ 4%

Displays gross assessable value (including expense/income ledger values) of goods sold at VAT rate 4% in the reporting period. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Displays the output tax value corresponding to the sales at VAT rate 4%. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

R.5 Sales taxable @ 12.5%

Displays gross assessable value (including expense/income ledger values) of goods sold at VAT rate 12.5% in the reporting period. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Displays the output tax value corresponding to the sales at VAT rate 12.5%. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

R.6 Sales taxable at other rates

R.6.1 Taxable @ ---

Displays gross assessable value of goods sold at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5% in the reporting period. The transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction and Industrial Input as Type of goods are considered in this case.

Displays the output tax value corresponding to the sales at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5%. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction and Industrial Input as Type of goods are considered in this case.

R.6.2 Taxable @ ---

Displays gross assessable value of goods sold at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5% in the reporting period. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction, and Industrial Input as Type of goods are considered in this case. (VAT rate other than in R.6.1)

Displays the output tax value corresponding to the sales at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5%. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction, and Industrial Input as Type of goods are considered in this case. (VAT rate other than in R.6.1)

R.6.3 Taxable @ ---

Displays gross assessable value of goods sold at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5% in the reporting period. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction, and Industrial Input as Type of goods are considered in this case. (VAT rate other than in R.6.1, and R.6.2)

Displays the output tax value corresponding to the sales at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5%. The transaction with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction, and Industrial Input as Type of goods are considered in this case. (VAT rate other than in R.6.1, and R.6.2)

R.7 Exempt sales

Displays the net assessable (gross-returns) value including expense/income ledger values of exempt sales transactions recorded in the reporting period. The transactions with Sales Exempt as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

This field is currently left blank.

R.8 Inter-state sales

Displays the net assessable (gross-returns) value including expense/income ledger values of interstate sales transactions recorded in the reporting period. The transactions with Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales - E2, Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales Exempt, Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C, and Interstate Sales Exempt - E1 as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.


R.8.1 Stock transfer

Displays the net assessable (gross-returns) value including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for transfer to a branch, or an agent. The transactions with Interstate Branch Transfer Outward, Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward, Branch Transfer Outward, and Consignment Transfer Outward are considered in this case.


R.9 Exports u/s 5(1), (3) & (5) of CST Act

Displays the net assessable (gross-returns) value including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for export of goods in the reporting period. The vouchers with Nature of transaction as Export, Interstate Deemed Export, Deemed Export, and Export with Type of goods as ATF are considered in this case.


R.9.1 Sales to SEZ u/s 8(6) of CST Act

Displays the net assessable (gross-returns) value including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for sales to special economic zone, and diplomatic mission in the reporting period. The transactions with Sale Zero Rated and Interstate Sales - Zero Rated as Nature of transaction are considered in this case. Additionally, the option Diplomatic Missions & U.N. or SEZ has to be selected in the Type of Exemption field in VAT Details screen of the party ledger selected in the transaction.


R.10 Adjustments (Increase/Decrease) (Complete Annexure - I and insert Total B here)


Displays net increase/decrease in output tax as per Annexure I.

R.11 Total

Displays the sum of values in Sales (Rs.) (A) column for Turnover of Sales.

Displays the total of values in Output tax (Rs.) (B) column for Turnover of Sales.

Turnover of Purchases

Purchases (Rs.) (A)

Input Tax (Rs.) (B)

R.12 Purchases on which VAT is not paid

Displays the net assessable value (gross -returns)  including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for purchase of goods from unregistered and composite dealers. The transactions with Purchase From Unregistered Dealer, Purchase Exempt, and Purchase from Composition Dealer as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.


R.13 Non-creditable purchases

Displays the net assessable value (gross -returns)  including expense/income ledger values of purchase transactions for which input credit cannot be claimed. The transactions with Purchases Non-Creditable as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.


R.14 Creditable purchases

R.14.1 Purchases taxable @ 1%

Displays the gross assessable value including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for purchase of goods at VAT rate 1% in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchase - Works contract, and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as Nature of transaction, are considered in this case. Including when Industrial Input is selected as Type of goods.

Displays the input tax corresponding to purchases at VAT rate 1% in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchase - Works contract, and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as Nature of transaction are considered in this case. Including when Industrial Input is selected as Type of goods.

R.14.2 Purchases taxable @ 4%

Displays the gross assessable value including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for purchase of goods at VAT rate 4% in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchase - Works contract, and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as Nature of transaction are considered in this case. Including when Industrial Input is selected as Type of goods.

Displays the input tax corresponding to purchases at VAT rate 4% in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchase - Works contract, and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as Nature of transaction are considered in this case. Including when Industrial Input is selected as Type of goods.

R.14.3 Purchases taxable @ 12.5%

Displays the gross assessable value including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for purchase of goods at VAT rate 12.5% in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchase - Works contract, and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as Nature of transaction are considered in this case. Including when Industrial Input is selected as Type of goods.

Displays the input tax corresponding to purchases at VAT rate 4% in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchase - Works contract, and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as Nature of transaction are considered in this case. Including when Industrial Input is selected as Type of goods.

R.14.4 Purchases taxable at other rates

Not applicable

R.14.4.1 Taxable @ ---

Displays the gross assessable value including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for purchase of goods  at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5% in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable as Nature of transaction and Industrial Input as Type of goods is displayed against R.14.4.1 Taxable@x% (Indutrial Input)

Displays the input tax corresponding to the assessable value of purchases  at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5% in the reporting period.

R.14.4.2 Taxable @ ---

Displays the gross assessable value including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for purchase of goods  at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5% in the reporting period. (rate other than R.14.4.1)

Displays the input tax corresponding to the assessable value of purchases  at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5% in the reporting period.  (rate other than R.14.4.1)

R.14.4.3 Taxable @ ---

Displays the gross assessable value including expense/income ledger values of transactions recorded for purchase of goods  at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5% in the reporting period. (rate other than R.14.4.1, and R.14.4.2)

Displays the input tax corresponding to the assessable value of purchases  at a VAT rate other than 1%, 4%, and 12.5% in the reporting period. (rate other than R.14.4.1, and R.14.4.2)

R.15 Adjustments to tax credit (Complete Annexure- I and insert Total D here)

Not applicable

Displays net increase/decrease in input tax as per Annexure I.

R.16 Total Tax Credits


Displays the total of values in Input tax (Rs.) (B) column for Turnover of Purchases.

Calculation of tax due

R.17 Net Taxes – Difference of R.11.B and R.16

Displays the automatically computed value of difference in tax value captured in R.11B and R.16.

R.18 Less: Tax Deducted at Source

Displays the value of VAT tax adjusted towards tax deducted at source (TDS), as the value of duty ledger debited in the VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustments as Additional Details.

R.19 Add: Interest and Penalty

Displays the value of interest and/or penalty payable by the dealer, as the value of duty ledger debited in the VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Increase of Tax Liability as Nature of adjustment and Penalty or Interest as Additional Details.

R.20 Balance (R.17 - R.18 + R.19)

Displays the auto computed value as per the given equation.


R.21 Tax paid (copy amount from R.20)

Display the voucher total of VAT payment vouchers appearing in Challan Reconciliation report for current period.

R.22 Pay order / Cheque /D.D. number / Receipt / Challan number

Instrument No.

Displays the challan number used to make VAT payments to the department, as recorded in the Instrument No. field in the Stat Payment Details screen of a payment transaction in Challan Reconciliation report.


Displays the date of remitting VAT payment, as recorded in the Instrument Date field in the Stat Payment Details screen of a payment transaction in Challan Reconciliation report.


Display the amount paid using the respective instrument number.


R.23 Credits (copy amount from R.20)

Displays auto computed value, as the value in R.20, if positive.

R.24 Adjusted against liability under Central Sales Tax/other Dealers’ dues

Displays the excess of input credit available that can be adjusted against CST payable, as the value of duty ledger credited in the VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Against CST as Additional Details. Further displays the CST amount due to the dealer, as the value of duty ledger credited in the VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Tax Adjustment Towards Other Dealer's Dues as Additional Details.

R.25 Refund due [to claim refund see Rule 28(3)]

Displays the amount of credit that can be adjusted towards refund, as the value of duty ledger credited in the VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment.

R.26 Carried forward to next tax period (R.23-R.24-R.25)

Displays the auto computed value based on the given equation.




Displays the name of the authorised signatory, as recorded in the Authorised Person field in the Company VAT Details screen.

S/o ……

Displays the name of the responsible person for authorised signatory, as recorded in the S/o, D/o, W/o field in Company VAT Details screen.


Displays the place of the registered dealer, as recorded in the Place field in Company VAT Details screen.


This field is left blank for manual entry.

Name and Designation / Status and Relationship to the dealer with seal:

Displays the status and designation of the authorised person along with company seal. The status is captured from Status /Designation field in Company VAT Details screen.

Ph. No.

Displays the mobile number of the dealer, as recorded in the Mobile no. field in Company Creation or Company Alteration screen.

E-mail ID.

Displays the e-mail Id of the dealer, as recorded in the E-mail field in Company Creation or Company Alteration screen.

Annexure I

(To be attached with the return where adjustments in Output Tax or Tax Credit are claimed)


Displays the VAT TIN number of the dealer filing the returns, as recorded in the TIN field in Company VAT Details screen.

A. Adjustments in Output Tax

Nature of adjustment

Increase in Output Tax (I)

Decrease in Output Tax (II)

1.Sale has been cancelled


Displays the value of duty ledger debited in credit note recorded for sales cancellation by selecting Cancelled as Nature of Return, in the reporting period. The transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

2.Nature of sale has changed

Displays the value of duty ledger credited in debit note recorded for change in nature of sales by selecting Change in Nature as Nature of Return, in the reporting period. The transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Displays the value of duty ledger debited in credit note, recorded for change in nature of sales by selecting Change in Nature as Nature of Return, in the reporting period. The transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

3.Change in agreed consideration

Displays the value of duty ledger credited in debit note recorded for change in consideration due to escalation of price, by selecting Change in Consideration as Nature of Return, in the reporting period. The transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Displays the value of duty ledger debited in credit note, recorded for change in consideration due to de-escalation of price, by selecting Change in Consideration as Nature of Return, in the reporting period. The transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

4.Sales return


Displays the value of duty ledger debited in credit note, recorded for return of goods, by selecting Not Applicable as Nature of Return, in the reporting period. The transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

5.Tax payable on goods held on the date of cancellation of registration

Displays the tax payable on closing stock at the time of cancelling the registration, as the value of duty ledger credit in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Increase of Tax Liability as Nature of adjustment and Tax Payable on Goods Held on the Date of Cancellation of Registration as Additional Details.


6.Purchase tax

Displays the increase in output tax, as the value of duty ledger credited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Tax on URD Purchase as Nature of adjustment.

Displays the decrease in output tax, as the value of duty ledger debited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and Tax on URD Purchase as Additional Details.

7.Others, if any (specify)

Displays the increase in output tax due to other adjustments, as the value of duty ledger credited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Increase of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and Other Adjustments as Additional Details. The transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Displays the decrease in output tax due to other adjustments, as the value of duty ledger debited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and Other Adjustments as Additional Details. The transactions with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.


Displays auto computed sum of values in Increase in Output Tax (I) column.

Displays auto computed sum of values in Decrease in Output Tax (II) column.

B. Net Increase / (decrease) in Output Tax (I-II)

Displays difference in the values of the columns Increase in Output Tax (I) and Decrease in Output Tax (II). Negative value is displayed with (-) sign.

C. Adjustments in Tax Credit

Nature of adjustment

Increase in Tax Credit (III)

Decrease in Tax Credit (IV)

1.Tax credit carried forward from previous tax period(s)

Displays the tax credit available with the period, as the debit value of the duty ledger. In the first period, opening balance recorded for the duty ledger is displayed and subsequently the debit balance carried forward is displayed.


2. On receipt of debit note from the seller

Displays the value of duty ledger debited in credit note, recorded for reversal of tax on receipt of debit note from seller, by selecting Receipt of Debit Notes From Seller as Nature of Return, in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable and Purchase - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.


3. On receipt of credit note from seller


Displays the value of duty ledger credited in debit note, recorded for reversal of tax on receipt of credit note from seller, by selecting Receipt of Debit Notes From Seller as Nature of Return, in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable and Purchase - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

4. Purchase return or rejects


Displays the value of duty ledger credited in debit note, recorded for reversal of tax on receipt of credit note from seller, by selecting Not Applicable as Nature of Return, in the reporting period. The transactions with Purchase Taxable and Purchase - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

5. Goods subsequently used, fully or partly, for purposes other than for which credit is allowed


Displays the value of input credit reversed on use of goods for purpose other than intended. It is the value of the duty ledger credited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Change in Use of Goods, for Purchase Other Than for Which Credit Allowed as Additional Details.

6. Branch/consignment transfer of goods from the state to other states on which previously input tax credit has been taken


Displays the value of input credit disallowed on branch/consignment transfer, as the value of the duty ledger credited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Tax Credit Disallowed in Respect of Branch/Consignment Transfer as Additional Details.

7. Tax credit on Second-hand goods

Displays the tax credit availed on purchase of second hand goods with original invoice, as the value of duty ledger debited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Increasing  Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Tax Credit for Purchase of Second-Hand Goods as Additional Details.


8. Input tax credit upon withdrawal from Composition Scheme

Displays the value of tax credit availed on goods held upon withdrawal from composition scheme, as the value of duty ledger credit in VAT adjustment  journal voucher recorded by selecting Increasing Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Switch Over as Additional Details.


9. Tax credit on trading stock and raw material held at the time of registration

Displays the value of tax credit on goods held at the time of registration, as the value of duty ledger debited in the VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting  Increasing Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Opening Stock as Additional Details.


10. Goods lost, stolen or destroyed, used as gift / sample.


Displays the value of tax reversed for goods stolen, destroyed, and gifted in the reporting period, as the value of duty ledger credited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Goods Lost, Stolen Or Destroyed, Used As Gift, Sample as Additional Details.  

11. ITC on purchase of Capital Goods

Displays the value of tax credit claimed on purchase of capital goods (installments), as the value of duty ledger debited in the VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting  Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods as Nature of adjustment.  


12. ITC on Goods purchased for transfer of right to use.

Displays the value of ITC on purchases for transfer, as the value of duty ledger debited in the VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Increasing Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Tax Adjustment Towards Transfer of Right to Use as Additional Details.


13. Purchase tax (if ITC is available)

Displays the increase in tax for the purchase from unregistered dealer, as the value of duty ledger debited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Input Tax Adjustment for Purchases From URDs as Nature of adjustment.


14. Others, if any (specify)

Displays the increase in input credit due to other adjustments, as the value of duty ledger debited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Increasing Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Other Adjustments as Additional Details. The transactions with Purchase Taxable and Purchase - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Displays the decrease in input credit due to other adjustments, as the value of duty ledger credited in VAT adjustment journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Other Adjustments as Additional Details. The transactions with Purchase Taxable and Purchase - Works contract as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.


Displays auto computed sum of values in Increase in Tax Credit (III) column.

Displays auto computed sum of values in Decrease in Tax Credit (IV) column.

D. Net Increase / (decrease) in Tax Credit (III-IV)

Displays auto computed value of difference in Increase in Tax Credit (III) and Decrease in Tax Credit (IV) columns. Negative value is displayed with (-) sign.


This field is left blank for signature.

Last updated for Release 5.5.3