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RT001- Box I (Bihar)

Annexure I displays the rate-wise sales of tobacco and its products, and sales made on MRP. It has to be filed with the VAT return every quarter.


Nature of Transaction

Details of sales recorded with the nature of transaction Sales Taxable and Sales - Works Contract.

Type of Goods

The transactions recorded by selecting stock items or ledgers predefined with Tobacco, are displayed in this annexure.


The transactions recorded with stock items or ledger predefined with Schedule IV are displayed in this annexure.

To export data to Box I template

1.    Copy the excel template to the Tally.ERP 9 installed folder.

2.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form RT-I.

3.    Click A: Annexures.

4.    Select Box I and press Enter.

5.    Click E: Export to view the Export Report screen. Based on the VAT Form RT-I report period, the From and To dates are displayed here. These dates can be changed from e-VAT Annexures report, if required. Ensure the template is available in the Export Location.

6.    Add the number of rows based on the count provided in No. of rows to be added field.

7.    Press Enter to export data.

A brief explanation about the annexure fields is given below:

Field Name


Box I [Details of goods wise sale mentioned in line 9(i) (b) above]

Name of Schedule -IV goods (except Sl.No. 1 to 6 & sl.8 of Schedule - IV)

Displays the commodity Tobacco and tobacco products, except biri and unmanufactured tobacco used in manufacturing of biri.

Rate of tax

Displays the tax rate entered for each stock item or ledger (predefined with Tobacco as the Type of goods) in the invoice.

Value of goods wise sale and tax payable

Total sale of goods on which tax is leviable on first point of sale only

Displays net assessable value of taxable and works contract sales of tobacco made at first point of sale.

Total sale of goods on which tax is payable at each point of sale only

Displays net assessable value of taxable and works contract sales of tobacco made at second point of sale.

Adjustment of tax under Rule 10A

Displays the debit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to account for tax adjustments on subsequent sales.

Total tax on column - 4

Displays auto calculated value.

Total tax on column - 5

Displays auto calculated value.

Total tax payable [6+(7-8)]

Displays auto calculated value.