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Recording an Invoice for Taxable Purchases

You can create vouchers for the purchase of items attracting tax, with the VAT rates specified either at the stock item level or at the stock group level.

Purchases attracting multiple VAT rates

Purchases with VAT rate based on quantity

Purchases with cess

Purchases with surcharge

Purchases with additional tax


Purchases Attracting Multiple VAT Rates

To record local purchase transactions for items attracting multiple VAT rates

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase.

2.    Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.

3.    Select the party ledger in the field Party's A/c Name.

4.    Select a common purchase ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and the option Set/Alter VAT Details? is not enabled.

5.    Select the required stock items whose VAT rates are specified either at the stock group or at the stock item level. Enter the Quantity and Rate for each stock item.

6.    Select the common VAT ledger.

     The ledger must be grouped under Duties & Taxes in which the options:

o     Type of duty/tax is set to VAT.

o     Percentage of Calculation (eg 5)? is set to 0.

7.    Click A: Tax Analysis to view the Tax Analysis screen.

o     Click F1: Detailed to view in detailed mode. The Tax Analysis screen appears as shown below:

o     Press Esc to return to the purchase invoice.

8.    Set the option Provide VAT details? to Yes. In the Statutory Details screen

o     Enter the purchase details

o     Press Ctrl+A to accept.

The purchase invoice appears as shown below:

9.    Press Enter to save.

Taxable Purchases - VAT Calculation Based on Quantity

To record purchase of stock item predefined with VAT amount per unit

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchases.

2.    Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.

3.    Select the party ledger in Party's A/c Name option.

4.    Select a common purchase ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and the option Set/Alter VAT Details? is set to No.

5.    Select the required stock item whose VAT rate per unit is specified in the stock item.

6.    Enter the Quantity and Rate for each stock item.

7.    Select the common VAT ledger.

8.    Click A: Tax Analysis to view the Tax Analysis screen.

o     Click F1: Detailed to view the stock items. The Tax Analysis screen appears as shown below:

Note: The tax for each item is calculated based on the rate specified in the stock item master by selecting On Quantity as the Calculation Type.

o     Press Esc to return to the purchase invoice.

9.    Set the option Provide VAT details? to Yes. In the Statutory Details screen

o     Enter the purchase details

o     Press Ctrl+A to accept.

The purchase invoice appears as shown below:

10.  Press Enter to save.

Taxable Purchases with Cess

Kerala VAT

To record purchases with VAT and cess

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase.

2.    Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.

3.    Select the party ledger in the field Party's A/c Name.

4.    Select a common purchase ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and the option Set/Alter VAT Details? is not enabled.

5.    Select the required stock item whose VAT rate is specified either at the stock group or stock item level. Enter the Quantity and Rate for the stock item.

6.    Select the common VAT ledger.

     The ledger must be grouped under Duties & Taxes in which the options:

o     Type of duty/tax is set to VAT.

o     Percentage of Calculation (eg 5)? is set to 0.

7.    Select the cess ledger.

8.    Click A: Tax Analysis to view the Tax Analysis screen.

o     Click F1: Detailed to view the stock items. The Tax Analysis screen appears as shown below:

o     Press Esc to return to the purchase invoice.

9.    Set the option Provide VAT details? to Yes. In the Statutory Details screen

o     Enter the purchase details

o     Press Ctrl+A to accept.

The purchase invoice appears as shown below:

10.  Press Enter to save.

Uttarakhand VAT

To record purchases with VAT and cess

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase.

2.    Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.

3.    Select the party ledger in the field Party's A/c Name.

4.    Select a common purchase ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and the option Set/Alter VAT Details? is not enabled.

5.    Select the required stock item whose VAT rate is specified either at the stock group or stock item level. Enter the Quantity and Rate for the stock item.

6.    Select the common VAT ledger.

     The ledger must be grouped under Duties & Taxes in which the options:

o     Type of duty/tax is set to VAT.

o     Percentage of Calculation (eg 5)? is set to 0.

7.    Select the cess ledger.

8.    Click A: Tax Analysis to view the Tax Analysis screen.

o     Click F1: Detailed to view the stock items. The Tax Analysis screen appears as shown below:

o     Press Esc to return to the purchase invoice.

The purchase invoice appears as shown below:

9.    Press Enter to save.

Note: Cess in Uttarakhand VAT is not calculated on the following:

   Other tax/duty ledgers and additional ledgers selected for expense/income enabled for apportionment to assessable value.

   Invoice configured with voucher class to display the stock item value inclusive of tax.

   MRP of stock items.

Taxable Purchases with VAT and Surcharge

Haryana VAT

To record purchases with VAT and surcharge

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase.

2.    Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.

3.    Select the party ledger in the field Party's A/c Name.

4.    Select a common purchase ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and the option Set/Alter VAT Details? is set to No.

5.    Select the required stock item whose VAT rate is specified either at the stock group or stock item level. Enter the Quantity and Rate for the stock item.

6.    Select the common VAT ledger.

     The ledger must be grouped under Duties & Taxes in which the options:

o     Type of duty/tax is set to VAT.

o     Percentage of Calculation (eg 5)? is set to 0.

7.    Select the surcharge ledger.

8.    Click A: Tax Analysis to view the Tax Analysis screen.

o     Click F1: Detailed to view the stock items. The Tax Analysis screen appears as shown below:

o     Press Esc to return to the purchase invoice.

9.    Set the option Provide VAT details? to Yes. In the Statutory Details screen

o     Enter the purchase details

o     Press Ctrl+A to accept.

The purchase invoice appears as shown below:

10.  Press Enter to save.

Punjab VAT

To record purchases with VAT and surcharge

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase.

2.    Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.

3.    Select the party ledger in the field Party's A/c Name.

4.    Select a common purchase ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and the option Set/Alter VAT Details? is set to No.

5.    Select the required stock item whose VAT rate is specified either at the stock group or at the stock item level. Enter the Quantity and Rate for the stock item.

6.    Select the common VAT ledger.

     The ledger must be grouped under Duties & Taxes in which the options:

o     Type of duty/tax is set to VAT.

o     Percentage of Calculation (eg 5)? is set to 0.

7.    Select the surcharge ledger.

8.    Click A: Tax Analysis to view the Tax Analysis screen.

o     Click F1: Detailed to view the stock items. The Tax Analysis screen appears as shown below:

o     Press Esc to return to the purchase invoice.

9.    Set the option Provide VAT details? to Yes. In the Statutory Details screen

o     Enter the purchase details

o     Press Ctrl+A to accept.

The purchase invoice appears as shown below:

10.  Press Enter to save.

Taxable Purchases with Additional Tax

Gujarat VAT

To record purchases with VAT and surcharge

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase.

2.    Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.

3.    Select the party ledger in the field Party's A/c Name.

4.    Select a common purchase ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and the option Set/Alter VAT Details? is set to No.

5.    Select the required stock item whose VAT rate is specified either at the stock group or at the stock item level. Enter the Quantity and Rate for the stock item.

6.    Select the common VAT ledger.

     The ledger must be grouped under Duties & Taxes in which the options:

o     Type of duty/tax is set to VAT.

o     Percentage of Calculation (eg 5)? is set to 0.

7.    Select the additional tax ledger.

8.    Click A: Tax Analysis to view the Tax Analysis screen.

o     Click F1: Detailed to view the stock items. The Tax Analysis screen appears as shown below:

o     Press Esc to return to the purchase invoice.

The purchase invoice appears as shown below:

9.    Press Enter to save.

Uttar Pradesh VAT

To record purchases with VAT and surcharge

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F9: Purchase.

2.    Enter Supplier Invoice No. and Date.

3.    Select the party ledger in the field Party's A/c Name.

4.    Select a common purchase ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable, and the option Set/Alter VAT Details? is set to No.

5.    Select the required stock item whose VAT rate is specified either at the stock group or stock item level. Enter the Quantity and Rate for the stock item.

6.    Select the common VAT ledger.

     The ledger must be grouped under Duties & Taxes in which the options:

o     Type of duty/tax is set to VAT.

o     Percentage of Calculation (eg 5)? is set to 0.

7.    Select the additional tax ledger.

8.    Click A: Tax Analysis to view the Tax Analysis screen.

o     Click F1: Detailed to view the stock items. The Tax Analysis screen appears as shown below:

o     Press Esc to return to the purchase invoice.

9.    Set the option Provide VAT details? to Yes. In the Statutory Details screen

o     Enter the purchase details

o     Press Ctrl+A to accept.

The purchase invoice appears as shown below:

10.  Press Enter to save.

The value of this transaction gets captured in the relevant fields of state-specific VAT/CST forms and annexures.