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e-VAT Form-7 (Rajasthan)

VAT Form- 07 displays the details of taxable purchases made from registered dealers within the state in the current period. The registered dealer submits the Form 7 along with VAT Form 10.

To export data to Annexure 7 template

1.    Copy the template to Tally.ERP 9 installed folder.

2.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT 10.

3.    Select Annexure Ready and press Enter.

4.    Select Annexure 7 and press Enter.

5.    Press E: Export to view the Export Report screen. In the Export Report screen, press Backspace to provide the relevant details.

6.    Enter the Name, Status/Designation, Place and Date. Based on the data being exported, the number of rows to be added in the template are displayed. To add rows in template:

o     Open the template, and add the rows as displayed for Part-I and Part-II

o     Save the template and close.

Description of Annexure 7 is given below:

Column Name



Registration No. (TIN)*

Displays the TIN entered in the Company VAT Details screen.


Displays the From (blank to beginning) date of Print Report screen.


Displays the To (blank for end) date of Print Report screen.

Part-I (For Purchases of Goods within state other than Capital Goods)

This section displays the details of purchases made by selecting Purchase Taxable and Purchase - Works Contract and as the nature of transaction.

Name of the Selling dealer*

Displays the name of the party predefined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen of the invoice.


Displays the VAT TIN predefined for the party ledger or entered in Party Details screen of the invoice.

VAT Invoice No.*

Displays the Supplier Invoice No. entered in the purchase invoice.

Date of VAT Invoice*

Displays the supplier invoice Date entered in the purchase invoice.

Name of Goods*

Displays the Commodity name predefined for the stock item selected in the purchase invoice.

Schedule number

Displays the Schedule predefined for the stock item selected in the purchase invoice.

S.No. of Goods

Displays the Schedule Serial No. predefined for the stock item selected in the purchase invoice.

Purchase Value*

Displays the assessable value of the stock items selected in the invoice.

VAT paid*

Displays the VAT amount entered in the invoice.

Gross amount of VAT Invoice*

Displays the total invoice value (assessable value +VAT).

Part-II (For Purchases of Capital Goods within the State)

This section displays the details of capital goods provided in journal voucher, by selecting the nature of adjustment Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods.

Name of the Selling dealer*

Displays the Party Name from Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.


Displays the VAT TIN predefined for the Party Name in the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

VAT Invoice No.*

Displays the Supplier Ref No. from the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

Date of VAT Invoice*

Displays the Supplier Date from the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

Name of Goods*

Displays the Commodity name from the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

Schedule number

Displays the Schedule from the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

S.No. of Goods

Displays the Schedule Serial No. from the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

Purchase Value*

Displays the assessable value from the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

VAT paid*

Displays the Amount Claimed from the Credit Settlement Details screen of journal voucher.

Gross amount of VAT Invoice*

Displays auto calculated value.


To print Annexure 7

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT 10.

2.    Select Annexure Ready and press Enter.

3.    Select Annexure 7 and press Enter.

4.    Press Ctrl+P to view the Print Report screen. In the Print Report screen, press Backspace to provide the relevant details.

5.    Enter the Name, Status/Designation, Place and Date.

Description of Annexure 7 is given below:

Column Name


2. VAT Invoice No.

Displays the Supplier Invoice No. entered in the purchase invoice.

3. Date of VAT Invoice

Displays the supplier invoice Date entered in the purchase invoice.

4. Name of the Selling dealer

Displays the name of the party predefined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

5. Registration No. (TIN) of selling dealer

Displays the VAT TIN predefined for the party ledger or entered in Party Details screen of the invoice.

5A. Name of Goods

Displays the Commodity name predefined for the stock item selected in the purchase invoice.

5B. Schedule number along with S. No. of Goods

Displays the Schedule and Schedule Serial No. predefined for the stock item selected in the purchase invoice.

6. Purchase Value

Displays the assessable value of the stock items selected in the invoice.

7. VAT paid

Displays the VAT amount entered in the invoice.

8. Gross amount of VAT Invoice

Displays the total invoice value (assessable value +VAT).