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Form 6A (Payroll)

PF Form 6A is the detailed Annual Statement of contribution towards the different PF Accounts for the given currency period.

To view the PF Form 6A,

     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports > Statutory Reports > Provident Fund > Form 6A.


     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Payroll Reports > Provident Fund > Form 6A.

The Print Configuration for the PF Form 6A is as shown:

     The user can specify the Period in the From and To fields as shown above. By default, the period is prefilled with 1st March of the current year to 28th or 29th February of next year.

     Select the required Employee Category, Employee/Group and Sorting Method and press Enter.

The printed Form 6A – Page 1 will appear as shown:

     Annual Statement of Contribution for the currency period from: This field displays the period as specified in the Print Configuration screen.

     Name & Address of the Factory/Establishment: This field displays the Company name & address as specified in the Company Master.

     Statutory Rate of Contribution:  This field displays the PF Rate of Contribution which is defaulted to 12%.

     Code No. of Establishment: This field displays the PF Code No. for the Company as specified in the F3: Statutory & Taxation while enabling the Payroll Statutory features.

     No. of members voluntarily contributing at higher rate: This field displays the total number of employees who have contributed towards Voluntary Provident Fund scheme.

Column Details

Column Name



Displays the serial numbers.

Account Number

 Displays the PF Account Numbers for each employee as entered in the Employee Master.

Name of Member (in Block Letters)

Displays the name of the Employees as entered in the Employee Master.

Wages, retaining allowance (if any) & DA including cash value of food concession paid during the currency period

Displays the Gross Wages/Salaries paid to the employees during the given year against the respective employee.

Amount of Worker's Contributions deducted from the wages on 12 % E.P.F.

Displays the Employees’ PF Contribution towards the EPF (Employees’ Provident Fund) against each employee name.

Employer’s Contribution - E.P.F. Difference between 12 % & 8.33 %

Displays the Employer’s Contribution towards the EPF Account for each employee during the given period against that employee.

Employer’s Contribution - Pension Fund 8.33 %

Displays the Employer’s Contribution towards the EPS (Employees’ Pension Scheme) Account for each employee during the given period against each employee.

Refund of Advance

Refund of PF Advance taken if any, needs to be entered manually against the respective employee in this column.

Rate of higher Voluntary Contribution (if any)

Displays the amount contributed by each employee towards the Voluntary Provident Fund (VPF) against the employee name if any.


Remarks if any needs to be entered manually.


The printed Form 6A – Page 2 will appear as shown:

Column Details

Column Name



Displays the serial numbers.


Displays the Month and Year in which the PF Amount is remitted.

EPF Contributions including refund of advances A/c. No. 1

Displays the amount remitted to EPF A/c No. 1 during each month (sum of Employee and Employer share).

Pension Fund Contributions A/c. No. 10 /Rs.

Displays the amount remitted to the Pension Fund A/c No. 10 during each month.

EDLI Contribution A/c. No. 21

Displays the amount remitted as EDLI Contribution to A/c No. 21 during each month.

Adm. Charges A/c No. 2

Displays the amount remitted as PF Admin Charges to A/c No. 2 during each month.

EDLI Adm. Charges 0.01% A/c. No. 22 /Rs.

Displays the amount remitted as EDLI Admin Charges to A/c No. 22 during each month.

Date of Remittances

Displays the date of the PF Combined Challan for the PF payment made for each month.