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Form I Annexure (Rajasthan)

e-CST Form I captures purchase from Special Economic Zones. It is submitted by the dealer on quarterly basis.

The details of purchases recorded with the following settings are displayed here.

     The nature of transaction selected is Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated.

     In party ledger, the Exemption Type is set to SEZ.

To export Form I

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > CST Form 1 > Annexure Ready.

2.    Press Enter.

3.    Select Form I and press Enter.

4.    Click E: Export. Ensure the excel template CST-Form I.xls is copied to the export location.

5.    Specify the period and press Enter to export the data.

The data exported to excel template can be validated and converted to .csv format. The different fields in the excel template are described below:

Serial No.

Displays the serial numbers, incremental by 1, for the purchase transactions captured in this section.

Form Type

Displays the form type I, as selected in the Form to issue field in Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

SEZ Certification No.

Displays the SEZ Certification No. issued to that particular region where the dealer is registered, as recorded in the Notification/SEZ Reg Number in VAT Details screen of supplier ledger master.

SEZ Certification Date

Displays the date of certification of Special Economic Zone (SEZ), as recorded in the Date field in VAT Details screen of supplier ledger master.

Details of Goods as per SEZ Certificate

Displays the commodity name assigned to the item purchased from SEZ supplier. If there are multiple commodities in a transaction, each is captured in a different row.

Seller TIN

Displays the TIN number recorded in the TIN/Sales Tax No. field of VAT Details screen in ledger master of the SEZ supplier in the purchase transaction.

Seller Name

Displays the name of the seller from whom the dealer has purchased goods, as recorded in the ledger master of the SEZ supplier in the purchase transaction.

Seller Address

Displays the address of the seller from whom the dealer has purchased goods for resale, as recorded in the Address field of the ledger master of the selected supplier.


Displays the name of the state in which the selling dealer is registered based on the Seller TIN number field. Based on the first two digits of the TIN no., the state name is fetched and filled in the field automatically.

Purchase Order No.

Displays the number recorded Purchase Order No. field in Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Purchase Order Date

Displays the number recorded Purchase Order No. field in Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Invoice No.

Displays the invoice number which is issued by the SEZ dealer, to the dealer, as recorded in the Supplier Invoice No. field in the purchase transaction.

Invoice Date

Displays the date in which the invoice has been raised against the dealer, as recorded in the Date field against Supplier Invoice No. in the transaction.

Total Amount of Goods

Displays the value of commodity in the transaction in SEZ purchase with Interstate Purchase – Zero Rated as nature of transaction, excluding tax amount.


Click this button to validate the information captured in the annexure.  After validating errors found in the information captured are shown in the eCST-Form-I Format sheet. If no errors are found, .csv file which can be directly uploaded to the commercial tax department portal is generated.