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Changing the Default Ageing Period

The Ageing Analysis report produces a default ageing period of <45 days, 45-90 days, 90-180 days and >180 days. Depending on requirement, the ageing slabs can be defined by you.

By default, the age of the items is ascertained from the date of purchase. You can change this by altering the configuration options. To define the ageing slab press F6.

To get the value of the stock other than by the default method

     Press F7, and select from List of Valuation Methods for e.g. Avg Cost, Avg Price, FIFO, and so on. Item details valued using FIFO are displayed as shown below:

How to change Ageing Style

Different ageing styles provided in Tally.ERP 9 include purchase date, expiry date, manufacturing date etc. These are activated using the Alt + S: Ageing Style button.

You may define Ageing Style in four different ways:

Ageing Style


By Expiry Date

Displays age-wise break-up, based on Expiry Date of each batch.

To be Expired

Displays age-wise break-up for batches that will expire in future. It is very helpful to decide upon the batches to be disposed off first.

By Mfg. Date

Displays age-wise break-up taking into account the Mfg date of each Batch. It is helpful to identify the batches that have become old or nearing expiry.

By Date of Purchase

Displays age-wise break-up on the basis of Date of Purchase.

     Press Alt+S to invoke the Ageing Style menu.

     Select By Date of Purchase as Ageing Style, the following screen is displayed.

The Ageing Analysis report will help you find out which batches have already expired, which batches are going to expire or you can even list them as per Manufacturing or Purchase Date. It is very useful for industries dealing with perishable goods where goods past the expiry date are of no value. The Stock Ageing Analysis Configuration menu appears as shown below:

     Appearance of Stock Item Names: The list of options controls the view in which stock item names appear in the Stock Ageing Analysis report.

     Sorting Method: The list of options available sorts the stock items in alphabetical (increasing or decreasing) order.

Note: You will get the options Ageing Style and Expired Batches, only if you have activated Batch processing under F11:Features (F2:Inventory). Set the options Maintain batch-wise details and Set expiry dates for batches to Yes.