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e-CST List of Interstate Sales (Uttar Pradesh)

The details of interstate sales recorded in the reporting period are captured in CST Annexure List of Interstate Sales.

CST Annexure B displays transaction where the nature of transaction selected in Interstate Sales - Taxable and Interstate Sales - Against Form C.

To view CST Annexure Interstate Sales

     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form CST I > Annexure Ready.

     Press Enter

To export the CST Annexure Interstate Sales

1.    Select CST Annexure Interstate Sales, and press Enter.

2.    Click E: Export button. Ensure that excel template is available in the Export Location.

3.    Press Enter to export.

The various fields in the excel template are described below:

Field Name


Dealer Tin

Displays the VAT Tin number of the dealer filing the returns, as recorded in the TIN field in Company VAT Details screen.

Financial Year

Displays the financial year of the company for which the tax returns are being filed, in YYYY-YYYY format.

Tax Period

Displays the tax return period based on the option selected in Periodicity of e-Return field in Company VAT Details screen. The options provided are 1 for yearly, 2 for monthly and 3 for quarterly e-returns.


Displays the month for which returns are filed, if monthly is selected as the e-return periodicity. Numbers are displayed from 1 to 12 for each month of the year. In case returns are not filed monthly, 0 is displayed.


Displays the quarter for which returns are field, if quarterly is selected as the e-return periodicity. The option 1st Quarter is displayed for the period April-June and so on. In case returns are not filed quarterly, 0 is displayed.

Tin No of Purchaser

Displays TIN of the purchasing customer in the interstate sale, as recorded in the VAT TIN No. field in VAT Details screen of party ledger master selected in sales transaction with Interstate Sales - Taxable and Interstate Sales - Against Form C as nature of transaction.

Name of Purchaser

Displays the name of the customer, as recorded in the ledger master of the party selected in the interstate sales transaction or supplier name captured in the field Supplier in Party Details screen of the voucher/invoice.

Address  of Purchaser

Displays address of the customer, as recorded in the Address field of party ledger master or in Supplier Address field in Party Details screen of the voucher/invoice.

Invoice No

Displays the invoice number of the interstate sales transaction recorded in the return period, as the number displayed in No. field in the sales invoice/voucher with nature of transaction Interstate Sales - Taxable or Interstate Sales - Against Form C.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the sales transaction recorded in the return period, as the date entered in the sales invoice/voucher with nature of transaction Interstate Sales - Taxable or Interstate Sales - Against Form C.

Sales Value of Goods

Displays the total assessable value of each commodity in the interstate sales transaction recorded in return period.  

Amount of Tax Charged

Displays the CST amount applicable for respective commodity in the interstate sales transaction recorded in the return period with nature of transaction Interstate Sales - Taxable or Interstate Sales - Against Form C.

Total Amount of Invoice

Displays the total amount for the respective commodity in the interstate sales transaction recorded in return period.  

Commodity code of Goods Sold

Displays the Commodity Code assigned to the item selected in the sales transaction. When there are multiple commodities in a transaction, each one is captured in different row.

Sl. No of Form C received

Displays the serial number of Form C issued by the customer, as recorded in the Form no. field (against Form to receive) in the Statutory Details screen in the respective interstate sales transaction.