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Printing Form V (Chattisgarh)

Form V is the CST return filed by dealers involved in interstate transactions.

To print Form V

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT >  CST Form V.

2.    Press Ctrl+P.

3.    Press Enter to print.

Form Description - Form V (Chhattisgarh)

The fields in the form are described in the following table:

Field Name


i) TIN :

Displays the VAT TIN of the assessee, as recorded in the TIN field in the Company VAT Details screen in F11: Features > Statutory & Taxation.


Displays the Return Ref. no. recorded in the Print Report screen while printing Form V.

iii) YEAR :

Displays the year based on the return period.

iv) PERIOD :

Displays the quarter for which the return is being filed, based on the return period.

v) Name of Dealer :

Displays name of Authorised person recorded in the Company VAT Details screen or Name recorded in Print Report screen.

vi) Business Name :

Displays the Mailing name recorded in the Company Creation/Company Alteration screen.

vii) Address :

Displays the Address recorded in the Company Creation/Company Alteration screen.

viii) Mobile / Phone No. :

Displays the Mobile no. and Phone no. recorded in the Company Creation/Company Alteration screen.

ix) Return Submission Date :

Displays the Date recorded in the Print Report screen.

Box No. 1(a) Gross Turnover:

Displays the gross turnover from all sales transactions recorded in the return period. It is the gross assessable value, tax amount, and value of discount ledger created by selecting Not Applicable in the field Include in assessable value calculation for, from transactions recorded with Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - E1, Sales Taxable, and Sales - Works contract selected as the Nature of transaction. Also, the gross assessable value, and value of discount ledger created by selecting Not Applicable in the field Include in assessable value calculation for, from transactions recorded with Interstate Branch Transfer Outward, Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward, Exports, Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, Interstate Sales - E2, Interstate Sales Exempt, Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C, Sales Exempt, Interstate Sales - Zero Rated, Branch Transfer Outward, Consignment Transfer Outward, and Interstate Deemed Export selected as the Nature of transaction.

Box No: 1.(b).Less:


(i) Sales of goods outside the State :

This field is left blank.

(ii) Sales of goods in the course of export out of the territory of India :

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Exports and Interstate Deemed Export selected as the Nature of transaction.

(iii) Sales inside the State

Displays the gross assessable value, tax amounts and value of discount ledger created by selecting Not Applicable in the field Include in assessable value calculation for, from transactions recorded with  Sales - Taxable and Sales - Works contract selected as the Nature of transaction. And, gross assessable value, and value of discount ledger created by selecting Not Applicable in the field Include in assessable value calculation for, from transactions recorded with  Sales - Exempt selected as the Nature of transaction. Also, the net assessable value from transactions recorded with  Branch Transfer Outward and Consignment Transfer Outward selected as the Nature of transaction.

Total of 1(b)

Displays auto populated net turnover.

2.(a) Turnover of inter-State Sales

Displays auto populated value.

2.(b) Less:


2.(b) (i) Cost of freight, delivery or the cost of installation claimed during the period under return when such cost is separately charged.

This field is left blank.

2.(b) (ii) Cash discount according to ordinary trade practice :

Displays the aggregate value of the discount ledger created by selecting Not Applicable in the field Include in assessable value calculation for from all sales transactions.

2.(b) (iii) Sale price of goods returned within six months of sale

Displays the returns turnover from all sales return transactions recorded in the reporting period against sales dated not more than six months. It is the assessable value from return transactions recorded with Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Branch Transfer Outward, Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward, Exports, Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, Interstate Sales - E2, Interstate Sales Exempt, Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C, Interstate Sales - Zero Rated, and Interstate Deemed Export selected as the Nature of transaction.

Total of 2(b)

Displays the auto populated value.

3. Balance - Turnover of inter-State Sales

Displays the auto populated value.

4. Deductions on account of sales effected during the period under returns:-


4.(a) of goods exempted under sub-section(2) of section 6.

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with   Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, Interstate Sales - E2, and Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C (when Is under CST exemption? is set to No in the Statutory Details screen) selected as the Nature of transaction.

4. (b) of goods exempted in whole under sub-section (5) of section 8.

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with   Interstate Sales Exempt and Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C (when Is under CST exemption? is set to Yes in the Statutory Details screen) selected as the Nature of transaction.

4. (c) of goods exempted in whole under sub-section (6) of section 8.

Displays the net assessable value from transactions recorded with Interstate Sales - Zero Rated selected as the Nature of transaction.

4. (d) Other deductions………

Displays the assessable value recorded in the VAT Details screen displayed when CST ledger is debited in a journal voucher recorded with CST selected as the Type of duty/tax, Decrease of Output Tax selected as the Nature of adjustment, and Other Adjustments selected as Additional Details.

Total of 4

Displays the auto populated total of deductions.

5. Total Taxable turnover

Displays the auto populated value of the total turnover.

6. Deduction under clause (a) of subsection (1) of section 8-A on account of the amount collected by way of tax. :

Displays the tax amount from all interstate sales transactions recorded with Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales – Taxable, and Interstate Sales - E1 selected as the Nature of transaction.

7. Net Taxable Turnover:

Displays the net assessable value from all interstate taxable transactions.

S. No.

Displays the serial numbers for tax rate-wise details of turnover.

Taxable Turnover

Displays the net assessable value from all interstate sales transactions at different tax rates recorded with Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales – Taxable, and Interstate Sales - E1 selected as the Nature of transaction.

The turnover for each tax rate is recorded in a separate row. The different CST tax rates are 1%, 2%, 3%,4%, 5%, 12.5%, 14%, 14.5%, and 25%.

Rate of Tax(%)

Displays the different CST tax rates - 1%, 2%, 3%,4%, 5%, 12.5%, 14%, 14.5%, and 25% in separate rows. The net assessable value from interstate sales recorded with Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales – Taxable, and Interstate Sales - E1 selected as the Nature of transaction is captured rate-wise in separate rows.

Tax Amount

Displays the net CST tax amount for each tax rate from interstate sales recorded with Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales – Taxable, and Interstate Sales - E1 selected as the Nature of transaction.

8. Total of Tax Payable:

Displays the total net CST payable for the return period.

9. Amount Of Interest, if any

Displays the value of the expense ledger debited in a journal voucher recorded with CST selected as the Type of duty/tax, Increase Tax Liability selected as the Nature of adjustment, and Interest selected as Additional Details.

10. Total (8+9)

Displays the auto populated sum of values from 8 and 9.

11. (a) Adjustment of input tax rebate claimed under the Chhattisgarh Value added Tax Act, 2005

Displays the value of the VAT tax ledger credited in a journal voucher recorded with CST or VAT selected as the Type of duty/tax, Decrease of Input Tax selected as the Nature of adjustment, and Against CST selected as Additional Details.

11.(b) amount if any, credited by refund adjustment order

Displays the value of the CST tax ledger debited in a journal voucher recorded with CST selected as the Type of duty/tax, Refund of Input Tax selected as the Nature of adjustment, and Refund Order selected as Additional Details.

Total of 11

Displays the auto populated total using 11(a)+11(b).

12. Amount of exemption/deferment from payment of tax as New Industries:

Displays the value of the CST tax ledger debited in a journal voucher recorded with CST selected as the Type of duty/tax, Decrease of Output Tax selected as the Nature of adjustment, and Tax Deferred selected as Additional Details.

13. Balance payable amount:

Displays the auto populated sumusing (10-11-12).

14. Tax paid with treasury Challan :

Displays the value from payment vouchers recorded using S: Stat Payment recorded with CST selected as the Type of duty/tax in the return period. And, other relevant payments.

15. Balance payable amount (if any) :

Displays net value of 13-14, when the value is positive.

16. Refund amount (if any):

Displays net value of 13-14, when the value is negative.

17. Amount adjusted in next quarter from the amount of refund

Displays the auto populated refund amount, as in the field 16.