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Nature of Adjustments in Journal Voucher - Release 4.93 vs 5.1 (Kerala)

You can create journal vouchers and select stat adjustment details and the natures of adjustment applicable for Kerala.

On this page

Nature of Adjustments provided for journal voucher in release 5.1

Accounting for increase in output tax

Accounting for purchase tax

Nature of Adjustments

Below is a brief description about the nature of adjustments in Tally.ERP 9 release 5.1, and how each adjustment corresponds to the adjustment flags available in previous releases.

VAT Adjustments - up to Release 4.93

Type of Duty/Tax (From 5.0)

Nature of Adjustment (From 5.0)

Additional Details (From 5.0)

  Adjustment Against Arrears


Increase of Output Tax

Increase of Input Tax

Adjustment Against Arrears

Adjustment Towards CST


Decrease of Input Tax

Against CST

Adjustment Towards Entry Tax Paid


Reducing Liability

Entry Tax

Advance Tax Paid


Decrease of Output Tax Decrease of CST Tax

Advance Tax

Amount of Tax Deferred


Decrease of Output Tax

Tax Deferred

Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods


Input Tax Credit Admitted on Capital Goods


Interest Payable


Increase of Tax Liability


Penalty Due


Increase of Tax Liability


Reversal of ITC


Reversal of ITC


Reversal of Tax in Sales


Increase of Output Tax


Reverse Input Tax Credit on Capital Goods


Reversal of ITC

Capital Goods

Settlement Fee Payable


Increase of Tax Liability

Settlement Fee Payable

Special Rebate U/S 12


Tax on URD Purchase


Tax on URD Purchase


Tax on URD Purchase


Increase in Output Tax

To create a journal voucher

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal.

2.    Click J: Stat Adjustment.

3.    Select Type of Duty/Tax as VAT. The Stat Adjustment Details screen appears as shown below:

4.    Select the required adjustment, for example, Increase of Output Tax, from the List of Nature of Adjustments.

5.    Select the required Nature of Adjustments in Additional Details section.

Note: Based on the selection made for Nature of Adjustments, the Additional Details option will appear.

6.    Debit the ledger grouped under Current Assets, and enter the amount.

7.    Credit the VAT ledger. Enter the VAT Details as shown below:

8.    Enter the VAT amount excluding cess.

9.    Credit the cess ledger. The amount is displayed automatically. The journal voucher appears as shown below:

10.  Press Enter to save.

Tax on Purchase from Unregistered Dealers

To record the tax liability in journal voucher

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal.

2.    Click J: Stat Adjustment.

3.    Select the option VAT in the Type of Duty/Tax field.

4.    Select the option Tax on URD Purchase in the Nature of Adjustment field.

5.    Press Enter to return to voucher.

6.    Debit the input tax ledger created under the group Current Assets and enter the amount.

7.    Credit the purchase tax ledger created under the group Duties and Taxes with the option Use for Purchase Tax? enabled.

8.    Enter the Rate and the date range within which the purchase was recorded.

9.    Select the party ledger from the List of Ledger Accounts.

10.  Select the purchase transaction from the list of purchases recorded with Purchase From Unregistered Dealer as the nature of transaction.

11.  Press Ctrl+A to return to the voucher creation screen.

12.  Enter the amount including cess under the Credit column for the purchase tax ledger.

13.  Debit the cess ledger. The amount will be displayed automatically. The journal voucher appears as shown below:

14.  Press Ctrl+A to save.