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Form CST 1 (Haryana)

Form CST 1 captures turnover details of interstate sales made by a registered dealer. This form can be printed and should be manually entered in the upload tool provided by the department.

To view and print the Form CST 1

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > select Form CST 1

2.    Press Enter to display Form CST 1 screen.

3.    Press Ctrl+P to print Form CST 1

Form Description - Form CST 1 (Haryana)

The description of the information displayed in each field is given below:

Field Name


Name of the Dealer

Displays the name and address of the dealer (as predefined in the Company Creation screen).

Registration Mark and No.

Displays the Inter-state Sales Tax Number (as predefined in the Company VAT Details screen).


Displays the status of the dealer (as predefined in the Company VAT Details screen under Additional Information).

Style of Business

Displays the style of business of the dealer (as predefined in the Company VAT Details screen under Additional Information).

Original / Revised Return

Displays the type of return.

1. Gross amount received or receivable by the dealer during the period in respect of sales of goods.

Displays the gross assessable value of all interstate sales transactions.

(i) Sales of goods outside the State (as defined in Section 4 of the Act)

Displays the net turnover value of goods purchased with Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Sales - Tax Free. The value of Annexure LS-1 is captured here.

(ii) Sales of goods in course of export outside India (as defined in Section 5 of the Act)

Displays the net turnover value of goods sold with Nature of Transaction selected as Export and Interstate Deemed Exports.

(iii) Turnover of goods transferred outside the State as defined in section 6A(1)

Displays the net turnover value of goods sold with Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward and Interstate Branch Transfer Outward.

2. Balance – Turnover on inter-State sales and sales within the State

Displays the value - (1) minus (i), (ii) and (iii).

Deduct – Turnover on sales within the State

Displays the net turnover value of goods sold with Nature of Transaction selected as Sales Taxable, Sales Exempt and Sales Works Contract.

3. Balance – Turnover on inter-State sales

Displays the value - (2) Balance minus Deduct.

Deduct – Cost of freight, delivery or installation when such cost is separately charged

Values are not captured in this field.

4. Balance – Total Turnover on Inter-State sales

Displays the value - (3) Balance minus Deduct.

4. Deduct

(i) Turnover of inter-State sales of goods unconditionally exempt from tax under (the East  Punjab General Sales Tax Act, 1948) *

Displays the net turnover value of goods sold in the state with Nature of Transaction selected as Sales Zero Rated.

4. Deduct

(ii)Turnover of sales of goods returned by the purchaser within a period of (three months under rule 11(2)(b) of the Central Sales Tax

(Registration and Turnover) Rules,1957.) **

Displays the net turnover value of goods returned by the purchaser with Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales - Zero Rated (UNO + SEZ) and Interstate Sales –Exempt.

4. Deduct

(iii) Turnover in respect of subsequent sales falling under clauses (a) and (b) of section 6(2) of the Act.

Displays the net turnover value of goods purchased and sold with Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Sales Exempt - E1 and Interstate Sales - E2.

4-A. Balance – Taxable turnover in respect on inter-State sales

Displays the value - (4) Balance minus (4) Deduct (i),(ii),(iii).

5. Goods-wise break-up of above

Displays the value of 4-A.

(A) Declared Goods

(i) Sold to registered dealers on prescribed declaration,- vide Declaration attached

Displays the net turnover value of goods sold to registered dealers with Type of Goods selected as Declared and Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales – Taxable, Interstate Sales - Zero rated, and Interstate Sales –Exempt.

(A) Declared Goods

(ii) Sold otherwise

Displays the net turnover value of goods sold to unregistered dealers with Type of Goods selected as Declared and Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales – Taxable, Interstate Sales - Zero rated, and Interstate Sales –Exempt.

B. Other goods –

(i) Sold to registered dealers on prescribed declaration,- vide Declaration attached.

Displays the net turnover value of goods sold to registered dealer with Type of Goods selected as Not Applicable and Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales – Taxable, Interstate Sales - Zero rated, and Interstate Sales –Exempt.

B. Other goods –

(ii) Sold otherwise

Displays the net turnover value of goods sold to unregistered dealer with Type of Goods selected as Not Applicable and Nature of Transaction selected as Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales – Taxable, Interstate Sales - Zero rated, and Interstate Sales –Exempt.

(C )Total

Displays the sum of 5A and 5B.

6. Tax Payable

Taxable at Rate of Tax

Displays the rate of tax for interstate sales.

Turnover amounts to (Rs.)

Displays the turnover value for the displayed tax rate.

Tax amounts to (Rs.)

Displays the tax value for the displayed tax rate.

7. Total tax payable on


Displays the sum of the turnover amount.


Displays the sum of the tax amount.

8. Tax paid, if any, by means of Treasury Challan/Cheques/Draft

Sr. No.

Displays the serial number of the rows.

Name of Treasury

Displays the bank name as entered in Stat Payment Details screen (Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Challan Reconciliation > select a transaction > S: Set Details).

GRN/G4 Receipt No.

Displays the GRN number (as entered in Stat Payment Details screen).

GRN Date

Displays the GRN date (as entered in Stat Payment Details screen).

Type of Instrument

Displays the type of payment such as cash, demand draft and e-payment (as selected in Stat Payment Details screen).

Instrument No.

Displays the instrument number (as entered in Stat Payment Details screen).

Instrument Date

Displays the instrument date (as entered in Stat Payment Details screen).


Displays the CST amount paid by the challan.

Total Tax Paid (As per 8)

Displays the sum of CST amount paid.

8.1 VAT Paid Adjusted against CST

Displays the value of CST adjusted against input VAT with Nature of adjustment selected as Decrease of Input Tax.

CST Payable

Displays the different between the total tax payable and total tax paid. It is the balance CST tax payable by the dealer, or the excess tax paid in the current return period.