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Exporting Form VAT 11 (Jammu & Kashmir)

Form VAT 11 is a quarterly return. It has to be filed before the 30th day of the month succeeding the quarter. It displays the details of local taxable and exempt purchases, and purchases made from unregistered dealers during the return period.

Download the template of Annexure 48 from the E-Services Templates link of the commercial taxes department website.

To export data to Form 11

1.    Copy the excel template FORM VAT 11(Jammu and Kashmir).xls to the Tally.ERP 9 installation folder.

2.    Double-click Form VAT 11(Jammu and Kashmir).xls to open. The template appears as shown below:

Form 11 - VAT 11 Sheet

Form 11 - VAT 11 Sheet

Form 11 - VAT 11 Sheet

Form 11 - VAT 11 Sheet

Form 11 - Payment Details Sheet

Form 11 - Payment Details Sheet

3.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form VAT XI.

4.    Press Ctrl+E to export the data to the template.

5.    Press Enter to export data to the template. The details are captured in the relevant fields of the template.

Validation of Form 11

Ensure macros are enabled before validating the data in the template.

Note: Macros are used to automate frequently-used tasks, such as, calculations, verification and analysis of data. The J&K VAT annexure excel templates have macros to verify data correctness and create upload file.

To validate the data exported to the template

1.    Double-click Form VAT 11(Jammu and Kashmir).xls to open.

2.    Click Validate in the VAT 11 sheet. If there are no errors, the message No error found in sheet. Do you want to generate Upload file? appears.

3.    Click Yes.

4.    Click Save. The upload file gets generated in .csv format in the same location.

Form Description - Form VAT 11 (Jammu & Kashmir)

A brief explanation about the VAT form is given below:

Column Name


Dealer TIN

Displays the TIN entered in the Company VAT Details screen.

(A) Purchase /Stock Transfer

1.(a) Net value of purchase made within the state (Excluding Capital Goods) at 0% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded by selecting Purchase Exempt as the Nature of transaction.

1.(b) Net value of purchase made within the state (Excluding Capital Goods) at 1% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with 1% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

1.(c) Net value of purchase made within the state (Excluding Capital Goods) at 5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with 5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

1.(d) Net value of purchase made within the state (Excluding Capital Goods) at 13.5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with 13.5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

1.(e) Net value of purchase made within the state (Excluding Capital Goods) at 40% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with 40% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

1.(f) Net value of purchase made within the state (Excluding Capital Goods) at Other  rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with other than 0%, 1%, 5%, 13.5% and 40% by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

Total (1) = 1.(a) to 1.(f)

Displays auto calculated value.

2.Value of other purchases within the state on which the state on which Input Tax credit will not be available from T.O.T / Casual dealer

Displays the net assessable value of purchases made within the state by selecting Purchase From Composition Dealer as the Nature of transaction.

3.(a) Purchase from registered /unregistered dealer within the state u/s 14 of J&K ACT

Displays the net assessable value of purchases made within the state by selecting Purchase From Unregistered Dealer as the Nature of transaction.

3.(b) Purchase disposed off otherwise than by way of sales out of 3(a)

Displays the net assessable value of purchases made within the state by selecting Purchase Others as the Nature of transaction.

Total (3) = 3.(a) to 3.(b)

Displays auto calculated value.

4.(a) Value of interstate purchase/Imports (from outside the state of J & K) at 0% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded at 0% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:


     Interstate Purchase - E2

     Interstate Purchase Exempt

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

4.(b) Value of interstate purchase/Imports (from outside the state of J & K ) at 1% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded at 1% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:


     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

     Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

4.(c) Value of interstate purchase/Imports (from outside the state of J & K) at 5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded at 5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:


     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

     Interstate Purchase - E1

4.(d) Value of interstate purchase/Imports (from outside the state of J & K) at 13.5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded at 13.5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:


     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

     Interstate Purchase - E1

4.(e) Value of interstate purchase/Imports (from outside the state of J & K) at 40% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded at 40% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:


     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

     Interstate Purchase - E1

4.(f) Value of interstate purchase/Imports (from outside the state of J & K) at other rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with other than 0%, 1%, 5%, 13.5% and 40% by selecting the following Nature of transactions:


     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

     Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

     Interstate Purchase - E1

Total (4) = 4.(a) to 4.(b)

Displays auto calculated value.

5.(a) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer outside the state at 0% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 0% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

5.(b) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer outside the state at 1% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 1% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

5.(c) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer outside the state at 5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 5% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

5.(d) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer outside the state at 13.5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 13.5% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

5.(e) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer outside the state at 40% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 40% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

5.(f) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer outside the state at other rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rates other than 0%, 1%, 5%, 13.5% and 40%, defined in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

Total (5) = 5.(a) to 5(f)

Displays auto calculated value.

6.(a) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer within the state at 0% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 0% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Inward

     Consignment Transfer Inward

6.(b) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer within the state at 1% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 1% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Inward

     Consignment Transfer Inward

6.(c) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer within the state at 5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 5% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Inward

     Consignment Transfer Inward

6.(d) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer within the state at 13.5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 13.5% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Inward

     Consignment Transfer Inward

6.(e) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer within the state at 40% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rate defined as 40% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Inward

     Consignment Transfer Inward

6.(f) Value of goods received by stock transfer / consignment transfer within the state at other rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of purchases recorded with tax rates other than 0%, 1%, 5%, 13.5% and 40%, defined in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Inward

     Consignment Transfer Inward

Total (6) = 6.(a) to 6(f)

Displays auto calculated value.

7. Net Value of capital goods purchases  inside the state exempt schedule E Items

Displays the net assessable value of purchases made within the state by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Exempt - Capital Goods

     Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods

Total (A) = Total (1) + 2 + 3a + Total (4)+Total (5) + 6 + 7

Displays auto calculated value.

(B) Sales /Stock transfer

1.(a) Taxable turnover of sales within the states at 1% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded at 1% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

1.(b) Taxable turnover of sales within the states at 5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded at 5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

1.(c) Taxable turnover of sales within the states at 13.5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded at 13.5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

1.(d) Taxable turnover of sales within the states at 40% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded at 40% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

1.(e) Taxable turnover of sales within the states at  Other rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with tax rates other than 0%, 1%, 5%, 13.5% and 40%, defined in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

Total (1) = 1.(a) to 1.(e)

Displays auto calculated value.

2.(a) Taxable turnover of interstate Sales i.e. outside the state J & K at 1% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded at 1% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Sales - Taxable

     Interstate Sales - E1

     Interstate Sales - Against Form C

2.(b) Taxable turnover of interstate Sales i.e. outside the state J & K at 5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded at 5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Sales - Taxable

     Interstate Sales - E1

2.(c) Taxable turnover of interstate Sales i.e. outside the state J & K at 13.5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded at 13.5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Sales - Taxable

     Interstate Sales - E1

2.(d) Taxable turnover of interstate Sales i.e. outside the state J & K at 40% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded at 40% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Sales - Taxable

     Interstate Sales - E1

2.(e) Taxable turnover of interstate Sales i.e. outside the state J & K at other rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded at other than 1%, 5%, 13.5% and 40% tax rates by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Sales - Taxable

     Interstate Sales - E1

     Interstate Sales - Against Form C

Total (2) = 2.(a) to 2.(e)

Displays auto calculated value.

3.(a) Turnover of Consignment /Stock transfer within the state (outward) at 0% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with tax rate defined as 0% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Outward

     Consignment Transfer Outward

3.(b) Turnover of Consignment /Stock transfer within the state (outward) at 1% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with tax rate defined as 1% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Outward

     Consignment Transfer Outward

3.(c) Turnover of Consignment /Stock transfer within the state (outward) at 5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with tax rate defined as 5% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Outward

     Consignment Transfer Outward

3.(d) Turnover of Consignment /Stock transfer within the state (outward) at 13.5% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with tax rate defined as 13.5% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Outward

     Consignment Transfer Outward

3.(e) Turnover of Consignment /Stock transfer within the state (outward) at 40% rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with tax rate defined as 40% in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Outward

     Consignment Transfer Outward

3.(f) Turnover of Consignment /Stock transfer within the state (outward) at Other rate of tax

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded with tax rates other than 0%, 1%, 5%, 13.5% and 40%, defined in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Branch Transfer Outward

     Consignment Transfer Outward

Total (3) = 3.(a) to 3(f)

Displays auto calculated value.

4.Turnover of Consignment/Stock Transfer from J&K to other state

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Interstate Branch Transfer Outward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward

5.Turnover of Tax free sales

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded by selecting Sales Exempt as the Nature of transaction.

6.Turnover of export sales

Displays the net assessable value of sales recorded by selecting Exports as the Nature of transaction.

Total (B) = Total (1) +Total (2) + Total (3) + 4 + 5 + 6

Displays auto calculated value.

(C) Input Tax Credit

1.(a) Input Tax paid against Sr No.A of section 1(b) at 1% rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount paid on purchases recorded with 1% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

1.(a) Input Tax paid against Sr No.A of section 1(b) at 5% rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount paid on purchases recorded with 5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

1.(c) Input Tax paid against Sr No.A of section 1(c) at 13.5% rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount paid on purchases recorded with 13.5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

1.(d) Input Tax paid against Sr No.A of section 1(d) at 40% rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount paid on purchases recorded with 40% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

1.(e) Input Tax paid against Sr No.A of section 1(e) at other rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount paid on purchases recorded with other than 0%, 1%, 5%, 13.5% and 40% by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Purchase Taxable

     Purchase - Works Contract

Total (1) = 1(a) to 1 (e)

Displays auto calculated value.

2. Input Tax on capital goods allowed quarterly out of section E

Displays the VAT amount paid on purchases recorded by selecting Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods as the Nature of transaction.

3. Total (C) = Total (1) + 2

Displays auto calculated value.

(D) Output Tax + Purchase Tax

1.(a) Output Tax Collected  against Sr No. B  of section 1(a) at 1% rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount charged on sales recorded at 1% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

1.(b) Output Tax Collected  against Sr No. B  of section 1(b) at 5% rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount charged on sales recorded at 5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

1.(c) Output Tax Collected  against Sr No. B  of section 1(c) at 13.5% rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount charged on sales recorded at 13.5% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

1.(d) Output Tax Collected  against Sr No. B  of section 1(c) at 40% rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount charged on sales recorded at 40% tax rate by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

1.(e) Output Tax Collected  against Sr No. B  of section 1(e) at other rate of tax

Displays the VAT amount charged on sales recorded with tax rates other than 0%, 1%, 5%, 13.5% and 40%, defined in the accounts or inventory masters by selecting the following Nature of transactions:

     Sales - Taxable

     Sales - Works Contract

Total (1) = 1.(a) to 1.(e)

Displays auto calculated value.

2. Tax on purchase u/s. 14 of VAT Act Disposed off other than by the way of sale

Displays the Assessable Value entered in the VAT Details screen of journal vouchers recorded by clicking J: Stat Adjustment and:

     Selecting Tax on URD Purchase as the Nature of Adjustment.

     Debiting the VAT ledger and crediting the expense/purchase ledger.

Total (D) = Total (1) +2

Displays auto calculated value.

(E) Input on Capital Goods

1. Tax paid on capital goods purchased within the state

Displays the VAT amount entered in:

     Journal vouchers recorded by clicking J: Stat Adjustment and:

o     Selecting Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods as the Nature of Adjustment.

o     Debiting the VAT ledger and crediting the current assets ledger.

     Purchase voucher recorded by:

o     Debiting the fixed asset ledger predefined with Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods selected as the Nature of transaction.

o     Debiting the VAT and current assets ledger(s).

o     Crediting the party ledger.

(F) Input Tax brought forward

1. Amount of tax carried forward from previous tax period

Displays the:

     Excess tax credit carried forward from the previous period.

     Opening balance defined for the VAT ledger.

(G) Deductions

1. Input Tax retained u/s 21(4) and 21(6)

Displays the Assessable Value entered in the VAT Details screen of journal vouchers recorded by clicking J: Stat Adjustment and:


o     Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of Adjustment.

o     U/s 21(4) as the Additional Details.

     Debiting the VAT ledger and crediting the expense/current assets ledger.

2. Input Tax Reversed u/s 21(10)

Displays the Assessable Value entered in the VAT Details screen of journal vouchers recorded by clicking J: Stat Adjustment and:


o     Reversal of Input Tax as the Nature of Adjustment.

o     U/s 21(10) as the Additional Details.

     Debiting the VAT ledger and crediting the expense/current assets ledger.

Total (G) = 1+2

Displays auto calculated value.

(H) Input Tax

1. Input Tax available H = (C+F)-G

Displays auto calculated value.

(I) Tax Payable /Excess Input

1. Tax Payable / Excess Input (I= D-H)

Displays auto calculated value.

(J) Security payment

1. Security payments made

Displays the value of payment voucher recorded by clicking S: Stat Payment and selecting the:

     Tax Type as VAT

     Payment Type as Advance

(K)  Tax Available /Payable

1. Tax available /Payable K= I-J

Displays auto calculated value.

(L)  ITC Adjusted against CST

1. ITC Adjusted against CST

Displays the Assessable Value entered in the VAT Details screen of journal vouchers recorded by clicking J: Stat Adjustment and:

     Selecting Decrease of Input Tax as the Nature of Adjustment.

     Debiting the CST ledger and crediting the VAT ledger.

(M) Outstanding dues if any against

1 . (a) Under section 22(4) (to be eligible after two Years)

This field is left blank.

1.(b)  Under section 55 (2)

This field is left blank.

(N) Input tax carried over to next tax period = K-L-M

Displays auto calculated value.

(O) Tax Refundable under J &K VAT Act

1. Under section 22(4) (to be  eligible after 2 years)

Displays the Assessable Value entered in the VAT Details screen of journal vouchers recorded by clicking J: Stat Adjustment and:


o     Refund of Input Tax as the Nature of Adjustment.

o     Not Applicable as the Additional Details.

     Debiting the expense/current assets ledger and crediting the VAT ledger.

2. Under Section 55(2)

Displays the Assessable Value entered in the VAT Details screen of journal vouchers recorded by clicking J: Stat Adjustment and:


o     Refund of Input Tax as the Nature of Adjustment.

o     Zero Rated Sales as the Additional Details.

     Debiting the expense/current assets ledger and crediting the VAT ledger.

Total (O) = 1+2

Displays auto calculated value.

Payment Details

Payment Made

Displays the Bank or Treasury selected for the option Payment Made To in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Payment Date

Displays the Deposit Date entered for the tax payment voucher in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank/Treasury Name

Displays the Bank/Treasury Name selected for the tax payment voucher in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Branch Name

Displays the Name of Branch selected for the tax payment voucher in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Payment Mode

Displays the Mode of Deposit selected for the tax payment voucher in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Challan Number/CIN

Displays the Challan No. entered for the tax payment voucher in the Stat Payment Details screen of the Tax Payment Reconciliation report.


Displays the value of payment vouchers recorded by clicking S: Stat Payment and selecting the:

     Tax Type as VAT.

     Payment Type as Regular.


Displays the amount entered for the expense or liability ledger by selecting the Type of Payment as Interest in the Payment Type screen of the tax payment voucher (recorded by clicking S: Stat Payment and selecting the Tax Type as VAT).


Displays the amount entered for expense or liability ledger by selecting the Type of Payment as Penalty in the Payment Type screen of the tax payment voucher (recorded by clicking S: Stat Payment and selecting the Tax Type as VAT).

Other Sum

Displays the amount entered for the expense or liability ledger by selecting the Type of Payment as Others in the Payment Type screen of the tax payment voucher (recorded by clicking S: Stat Payment and selecting the Tax Type as VAT).

Total Challan Amount

Displays auto calculated value.