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FAQ - VAT (Delhi)

This page provides all the FAQ related to VAT for Delhi.

Defining Tax Rates

Creating Masters

Recording Purchase Transactions

Recording Sales Transactions

Recording Adjustment and Payment Transactions

Forms and Annexures

Resolving Exceptions

Release 5.4

Defining Tax Rates

1.    How do I enable VAT?

2.    How do I define tax rates at group level?

3.    How do I define tax rates at ledger level?

4.    How do I define tax rates at stock item level?

5.    How do I change or revise the VAT rate?

6.    What are the new VAT rates provided for Delhi in Release 5.3?

Creating Masters

1.    How do I create a supplier ledger?

2.    How do I create a customer ledger?

3.    How do I create a purchase ledger?

4.    How do I create a sales ledger?

5.    How do I create a VAT ledger under Duties & Taxes?

6.    How do I create a VAT classification?

Recording Purchase Transactions

1.    How do I record local purchase transaction for items attracting multiple VAT rates?

2.    How do I record interstate purchase invoice against Form C?

Recording Sales Transactions

1.    How do I record a local sales invoice for taxable goods with multiple VAT rates?

2.    How do I record an interstate sales invoice against Form C?

3.    How to enable Rate (Inclusive of Tax) for the stock items while passing invoice?

Recording Adjustment and Payment Transactions

1.    How do I record a purchase return?

2.    How do I record a sales return?

3.    How do I record a payment voucher?

4.    Explain new journal adjustments flags provided for Delhi in Release 5.3?

5.    How to record journal entry to account reversal of input tax?

Forms and Annexures

1.    What is Form DVAT 16?

2.    Which are the VAT annexures for Delhi?

3.    Why are the petrol and diesel values not captured in e-returns/physical returns from release 5.2?

4.    How do we change the period to month in Annexure 2A and 2B?

5.    What are the forms and annexures supported for Delhi?

6.    How to generate Stock Form I?

Resolving Exceptions

1.    How do I resolve No. of voucher with incomplete/mismatch in information exception?

2.    How do I resolve Country, state and dealer type mismatch/not specified exception?

3.    How do I resolve Tax rate/tax type not specified exception?

4.    How do I resolve Nature of transaction, assessable value, rate of tax modified in voucher exception?

5.    How do I resolve Incorrect tax type selected in tax ledger exception?

6.    How do I resolve Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher exception?

7.    How do I resolve Voucher with incomplete/incorrect adjustment details exception?

8.    How do I resolve Information required for generating annexure not provided exception?

Release 5.4

1.    What are the enhancements for Delhi in Release 5.4?

2.    What is the function of the field Local VAT rate provided in Release 5.4?

3.    How to configure for interstate transactions against Form C at 0%?

4.    How to display local VAT rate of interstate transactions against Form C?

5.    CST rate was being captured in column C(20) of Delhi VAT Annexure 2B