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E-Mail IDs Report (Payroll)

You can use the Email Exception (E-Mail IDs) report to review and correct the e-mail addresses that are missing or incorrectly entered in the employee masters.

To view the E-Mail IDs report

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports > Statements of Payroll > Pay Slip.

2.    Select E-Mail IDs.

3.    Press Enter.

By default, the report displays the all exceptions.

4.    Enter the correct e-mail address for the employee in the E-Mail ID field.

Button options in the E-Mail IDs report

F5: All Items

Click F5: All Items to view the E-Mail ID details for all employees.

Ctrl+F7: Employee Filters

Click Ctrl+F7:  Employee Filters to view the E-Mail ID report for employees based on Employee Category or Employee Group.