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Uncertain Transactions (TCS)

Uncertain Transactions Details screen displays all the transactions that do not fulfill the criteria of the Included Transaction and Excluded Transactions categories. A voucher will be listed as uncertain when there is insufficient information entered in masters and transactions.

To view the Uncertain Transactions Details

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > TCS Reports > Form 27 EQ.

2.    Select Uncertain Transactions, and press Enter.


Master Related Exceptions

Sales and Stock Item Master

Unable to Determine TCS applicability for ledgers or stock items: This exception occurs when the sales/income ledger that has been credited in the transaction, or the stock item selected, has not been tagged to a specific TCS Nature of Goods. Selecting the appropriate TCS Nature of Goods will resolve this exception

To select the TCS Nature of Goods

1.    Press Enter on Unable to Determine TCS applicability for ledgers/stock item.

2.    Press spacebar to select the appropriate group.

3.    Click N: Nature of Goods.

4.    Set the nature of goods, as required.

Party Master

Unable to determine collectee type for party: This exception occurs when the collectee type of the party ledger is set to undefined. Selecting a collectee type will resolve this exception.

To set the collectee type

1.    Press Enter on Unable to determine collectee type for party.

2.    Press Spacebar to select the Name of the Ledger.

3.    Click D: Collectee Type.

4.    Select the required collectee type.

PAN not available for party: This exception occurs when the party ledger selected has been enabled for TCS but PAN has not been specified. The PAN, and the applicability of PAN or the status of PAN application have to be recorded for the party.

To enter PAN Details

1.    Press Enter on PAN not available for the Party.

2.    Enter the PAN of the party and applicability, if PAN is available.


1.    Press Enter in the PAN No field to go to the field PAN Status.

2.    Select the PAN Status as applicable.

Notification is not available for zero or lower rate: This exception occurs when a lower rate or zero rate deduction is recorded for a transaction, and the corresponding notification number is not defined for the party/expense ledger. This exception can be resolved by specifying the notification details.

In the drill down report for this exception, party ledgers that have been used to pass the zero rate/lower rate TCS entries will be listed. Identify the parties for which lower deduction/zero rate is applicable, select the relevant TCS Category, and provide the exemption notification number, applicability period, and the rate.

Duty Master

Unable to determine TCS applicability for duty ledgers: This exception occurs when the TCS duty ledger has not been classified under a TCS Category. Selecting a specific TCS Nature of Payment of TCS duty ledger will resolve this exception.

To select the Nature of Payment

1.    Press Enter on Unable to determine TCS applicability of ledgers.

2.    Select the Default Nature of Goods.

3.    Duty ledgers for which TCS Nature of Goods has not been defined will be listed. Place the cursor on the required items and press Spacebar to select them.

4.    Click N: Nature of Goods to set their Nature of Goods.

Nature of Goods

Unable to determine the tax rate for nature of goods: This exception occurs when the TCS nature of goods is not zero rated and the rate of tax is not defined. Enter the tax rate to resolve this exception.

To resolve the exception

1.    Press Enter on Unable to determine the tax rate for nature of goods.

2.    Enter the Rate for the TCS nature of goods or set the option Is Zero Rated to Yes.

3.    Press Enter to save.

Transactions Related Exceptions

Mismatch in Nature of Goods

Unable to determine TCS category in transaction: This exception occurs when TCS nature of goods is not defined for the sales ledger either in the ledger master or transaction.

To resolve the exception

1.    Press Enter on Unable to determine TCS category in transaction.

2.    Select the transaction and press Enter.

3.    Go to the amount entered for the sales ledger and press Enter.

4.    Select the Nature of Goods.

5.    Press Ctrl+A to accept the sales invoice.

Booking & Booking with Collection Entries

No link is available with booking and booking with collection voucher: This exception occurs when the TCS category set for the sales/income ledger is not the same as the TCS category selected during voucher entry. Setting the appropriate nature of goods will resolve this exception.

To resolve the exception

1.    Press Enter on No link is available with collection voucher.

2.    Select the transaction and click F3: Link All.

Note: If the TCS Category for the ledger is set to Any and a TCS Category is specified during voucher entry, this exception will not arise.

Unable to determine collectee details in cash transactions: This exception occurs for TCS cash sales.

To resolve the exception

1.    Press Enter on Unable to determine collectee details in cash transactions.

2.    Click M: Party List and select the required party name. The Collectee Type and PAN appears as defined for the ledger. If details are not defined in the ledger, select the Collectee Type and enter the PAN.

3.    Press Enter to save.

Collection Entries

TCS collected but not linked with sales voucher: This exception occurs when the sales bill is not selected for the party ledger in TCS journal voucher.

To resolve the exception

1.    Press Enter on TCS collected but not linked with sales voucher.

2.    Select the journal voucher and press Enter.

3.    Press Spacebar to select the required booking vouchers.

4.    Click F3: Autofill or F4: Full or F5: Partial, as required to enter the amount in Link to Collection.

5.    Press Enter.

Overridden Entries

Transactions accepted with conflicts: This exception occurs when the TCS nature of goods defined for the sales ledger and selected in the invoice (by enabling the option Allow modification of Tax Details for TCS in sales invoice configuration) are different, and the invoice is accepted by pressing O to override the tax details.

To resolve the exception

1.    Press Enter on Transactions accepted with conflicts.

2.    Press Spacebar to select the transaction.

3.    Click A: Accept as is.

4.    Press Enter to accept the voucher as is.