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Payroll Statutory Summary

Payroll Statutory Summary displays the various statutory Pay Head types under PF, ESI, NPS, and PT with the details of Payable and Paid amounts for a given period.

To view the Payroll Statutory Summary,

     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports > Statutory Reports > Summary.


     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Payroll Reports > Summary

The user can drill down to a corresponding Payroll Voucher from the Computation report.

Configuration options in Payroll Statutory Summary

F12: Configure in the Payroll Statutory brings up a configuration sub-form using which the user can customise the display of content and appearance of the Computation report.

     Format: Select Detailed against this option to view the detailed report. Alternately, the F1: Detailed button on the button bar can also be used to view the detailed report.

     Show PF Details: Set this option to Yes to view the PF computation details.

     Show ESI Details: Set this option to Yes to view the ESI computation details.

     Show PT Details: Set this option to Yes to view the PT computation details.

     Show TDS Details: Set this option to Yes to view the Income Tax computation details.

Button options in the Summary Report

Detailed/Condensed Button

Click on Detailed button or press ALT+F1 to view the Pay Head details of each Statutory Pay type and the respective values. Percentage as specified in the Pay head, A/c No. in case of Provident Fund, Pay Head wise calculation details are also displayed in the detailed view.

Click Condensed or press Alt+F1 again to return to the normal mode.

Period Button (F2)

Click F2: Period or press F2 change the selected period.