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Form 12A (Payroll)

PF Form 12A monthly report that provides the details of the PF Payments made to the respective PF Accounts of the Employees during the given month.

To view PF Form 12A

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports > Statutory Reports > Provident Fund > Form 12A.


Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Payroll Reports > Provident Fund > Form 12A.

The print Configuration for the PF Form 12A is as shown:

The user can specify the Period in the From and To fields as shown above.

     Employee Category: Required Employee Category can be selected.

     Employee/Group: Name of the required Employees or Employee Groups can be selected.

     Name & Address of the Bank: Name of the bank and address where the PF amount was deposited for the respective month.

     Include VPF Account: Set this to Yes to include the VPF contributions if any to the A/c No. 1 during the respective month.

     Number of Contract Employees: Enter the total number of Contract Employees which are not considered for PF.

     Number of Rest (Temporary Employees): Enter the total number of Temporary staff which are not considered for PF.

The printed Form 12A appears as shown below:

     Group Code: The field displays the Group Code as specified in the F11: Statutory & Taxation screen while enabling Payroll Statutory.

     Name and Address of the Factory/Establishment: The name of the Company as specified in the Company Creation screen appears in this field.

     Code No.: The field displays the PF Code No. as specified in the F11: Statutory & Taxation screen while enabling Payroll Statutory.

     Currency Period from: The Period specified in the Print Configuration screen of Form 12A belongs to the financial year as displayed in the Currency Period.

     Statement of Contribution for the month of: Name of the month is printed based on the period specified in the print Configuration screen.

Column Details in table

     Wages on which the Contributions are Payable: This column displays the Gross wages considered for the calculation of Amounts towards E.P.F.A/c No. 01, Pension Fund A/c No. 10, E.D.L.I A/c No.21.

     Amount of Contribution: This column is sub-divided into two sections as described below:

o     Recovered from Employees: This column displays the amount contributed by the employees’ towards E.P.F.A/c No. 01.

o     Payable by the Employer: This column displays the amount contributed by the employer towards E.P.F.A/c No. 01, Pension Fund A/c No. 10, E.D.L.I A/c No.21.

     Amount of Contribution Remitted: This column is sub divided into two sections as described below:

o     Employee’s Share: This column displays the employee’s contribution that is remitted towards E.P.F.A/c No. 01.

o     Employer’s Share: This column displays the employer’s contribution that are remitted towards E.P.F.A/c No. 01, Pension Fund A/c No. 10, E.D.L.I A/c No.21.

     Amount of Administrative Charges due: This column displays the Administrative charges payable by the employer towards maintaining A/c No. 01 and A/c No. 21.

     Amount of Administrative Charges remitted: This column displays the Administrative charges paid by the employer towards maintaining A/c No. 01 and A/c No. 21.

     Date of Remittance (enclose triplicate copies of Challan): This column displays the date of Payment as mentioned in PF Combined Challan.  

     Details of Subscribers: This information is displayed based on the Provident Fund Details entered in the Employee Master.