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Recording Interstate Consignments or Branch Transfers Outside (Haryana)

You can record transactions related to interstate consignments or branch transfers while creating a sales ledger. You must enable the voucher configuration to allow modification of VAT details at the voucher level.

To record transaction of consignment or branch transfer outside

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales.

2.    Click F12: Configure. In the configuration screen

o     Set the option Allow modification of Tax Details for VAT to Yes.

o     Press Ctrl+A to accept the Voucher Configuration screen.

3.    Select the party ledger in Party's A/c Name option.

4.    Enter Party Details, as required.

5.    Select the required interstate sales ledger.

6.    Select Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward as Classification/Nature in VAT Classification Details screen.

7.    Select Name of Item from the List of Stock Items.

8.    Enter the Quantity and Rate. The Amount appears automatically.

9.    Set the option Provide VAT Details to Yes to view Additional Details screen.

o     Enter the F Form details in Additional Details sub-screen

o     Press Enter to save.

The completed sale invoice screen appears as shown below:

10.  Press Enter to save.