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e-CST C Form Requisition - CST Form 1 (Puducherry)

C Form Requisition gives you the list of purchase transaction which were made against form C.

Nature of Transaction

The invoice should be recorded with the following nature of transactions:

     Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

     Interstate Purchase - E1

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

     Interstate Purchase - E2

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

To view C Form Requisition

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > CST Form 1.

2.    Select Annexure Ready and press Enter.

3.    Select C - Form Requisition and press Enter to view the list of purchase transactions.

To export C Form Requisition data to excel

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > CST Form 1.

2.    Select Annexure Ready and press Enter.

3.    Select C - Form Requisition and press Enter.

4.    Click E: Export.

5.    Press Enter to export data.

Different fields in the C - Form Requisition excel are explained below:

Field Name



Displays the invoice number of the supplier for the goods purchased, as recorded in the Supplier Invoice No. field in purchase transaction.


Displays the invoice date of the supplier for the goods purchased, as recorded in the Date field against Supplier Invoice No. in purchase transaction.


Displays the commodity code assigned to the stock item selected in the purchase transaction.

If two items selected in a transaction have same  commodity code (hsncode) both are consolidated into a single row. In case of multiple commodities each is captured in a separate row.


Displays the commodity name assigned to the stock item selected in the purchase transaction.


Displays the assessable value of the selected commodity in the purchase transaction, including expense/income values configured for assessable value calculation.


Displays the amount of tax applicable to the commodity selected in the purchase transaction.


Displays the purpose for which the items are purchased, as recorded in the Purpose of purchase field in Statutory Details screen of the transaction.


Displays the document number of the purchase order placed with supplier for the goods purchased, as recorded in  the Purchase Order No. field in Statutory Details screen of the transaction.


Displays the document date of the purchase order placed with supplier for the goods purchased, as recorded in the Date field against Purchase Order No. in Statutory Details screen of the transaction.

Last updated for Release 5.5.3