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Recording Excise Credit Note - Linked to Buyer (Excise for Dealer)

Excise credit note can be recorded without linking the credit note Voucher Type to tax unit or excise godown. If multiple tax units are created by linking it to godowns, the same can be selected while recording the invoice.

Here, the excise credit note is linked to sales invoice. As the goods are being returned, the transaction is considered as purchase.

To record an excise credit note

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Ctrl+F8: Credit Note. On enabling excise, the credit note will be marked as Excise. If it is not marked as excise press Ctrl+E to use it as excise credit note.

2.    Enter Original Invoice No. and Original Invoice Dt. of sales invoice against which the credit note is being recorded.

3.    Select the required Tax Unit.

4.    Select the Party’s A/c Name from the List of Ledger Accounts.

5.    Select the Nature of Sales Return in the Party Details screen.

6.    Select the Sales Ledger grouped under Sales Accounts. Ensure the options Is VAT/CST Applicable and Is Excise Applicable are set to Applicable.

7.    Select the required Nature of Transaction in the VAT Classification Details screen. For example, Sales Taxable.

8.    Select the required stock item.

9.    Select the Godown, enter the Quantity and Rate to display the amount in the Stock Item Allocation screen.

10.  Enter the Manufacturer/Importer Details and Duty Details in the Excise Details screen.

11.  Select the VAT ledger.

12.  Set Provide VAT Details to Yes/No as per requirement.

13.  Enter the Inspection Document No. and Date.

14.  Accept the credit note.