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Printing Form 27A (Payroll)

Form 27A is a summary of TDS return which contains control totals of Amount Paid and Income tax deducted at source. Form 27A is to be filed in physical form with each return i.e., Form 24Q.

In case of returns submitted in the physical form, form 27A need not be attached.

To print Form 27A

     Go to Gateway of Tally> Display >Statutory Reports > Payroll Reports > Income Tax > E-Return > Print Form 27A.

     In Printing Form 27A screen,

o     Accept the Person Responsible and Address details  (The Address details are automatically defaulted from Company master).

o     In Quarter Period for field select the appropriate quarter from the Period list.

o     Type of Deductor details will be captured form the TDS Details defined in F11: Features.

     Specify the Place and Date of filing returns.

The completed Printing Form 27A configuration screen is displayed as shown:

     Press Enter to Print Form 27A

The print preview of Form 27A is displayed as shown: