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Creating Budgets for Cost Centres

The purpose of a budget is to control expenditure. You can create multiple budgets in Tally.ERP 9, each for a specific purposes. If cost centres are enabled for the company, then budgets can be created for cost centres.

To create budgets for cost centres

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Budgets > Create.

2.    In the Budget Creation screen, enter a Name for your budget.

3.    Enable budgets for groups, and ledgers if required.

4.    Set the option Cost Centres to Yes to view the Cost Centre Budget screen.

5.    Enter a budget figure in Expenses for the cost centre.

6.    Enter a budget figure in Income for the cost centre.

7.    Enter Closing Balance.

The Cost Centre Budget screen appears as shown below:

8.    Press Enter.

9.    Press Enter to save the budgets created.