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Sales with VAT and Service Tax

You can create accounting vouchers to record sales with VAT and service tax.

To record sales transaction with VAT and service tax

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales.

2.    Enter the reference number in Reference no. field.

3.    Select the party ledger in the Party's A/c Name field.

4.    Select the Sales Ledger.

5.    Select Name of Item from the List of Stock Items.

6.    Enter Quantity and Rate for the item.

7.    Select the income ledger enabled for service tax.

8.    Select service tax ledger. The amount is calculated based on the predefined details.

9.    Select the swachh bharat cess ledger. The amount is calculated based on the predefined details.

10.  Select the krishi kalyan cess ledger. The amount is calculated based on the predefined details.

11.  Select common VAT ledger.

12.  Enter Narration, if required. The sales invoice appears as shown below:

13.  Press Enter to save.