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Receipt Forms - F Form (West Bengal)

F Form details from interstate purchases for a quarter are filed with the department in xml or excel formats. Tally.ERP 9 provides the option to export the form details to xml.

To view Receipt Forms - F Form

     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Receipt Forms > F Form.

To export Receipt Forms - F Form

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Receipt Forms > F Form.

2.    Press Ctrl+E in the F Form screen.

3.    Press Enter to export the form details to xml.

The department has provided a java tool to verify the details in the XML file for returns, annexure, and forms. The information captured in the XML file is described below based on the fields displayed in the java tool provided by the department.



Statement about Receipt of Forms

Under the CST (R&T) Rules, 1957

Selection Mode [Type of Form]

Displays the selected form type from the list of options given based on the form details captured.

Covering sales (YYYYMM)

For the Quarter Ending

Displays the details of the quarter for which the receipt form details are filled, as the period of the Receipt Form - F Form report.

Registration certificate number

Displays the registration certification number of the dealer, as recorded in the TIN field in Company VAT Details screen.

Trade Name of Dealer

Displays the name of the dealer, as recorded in the Mailing Name field of Company Creation screen.

Principal place of business in West Bengal

Displays the address of the dealer's business premises, as recorded in the Address field of Company Creation screen.

Name of Transferee Dealer

Displays the name of the interstate party to whom goods are transferred, as recorded in the ledger master of the party or in the Party Details screen of the transaction. The transactions with Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward and Interstate Branch Transfer Outward as Nature of transaction are considered in the case.


Displays the state or union territory of the party to whom goods are transferred, as the name of the state or union territory selected in State field in party ledger master or Party Details screen of the transaction.

Transferee Dealer's TIN/CST RC no.

Displays the TIN/CST number of dealer to whom goods are transferred, as recorded in the VAT TIN No. field of VAT Details screen in the ledger master of the party or Party Details screen of the transaction.

Total number of stock transfer notes/challans issued during the quarter

Displays the number of sales and sales return transactions recorded for the party in the reporting period. The transactions with Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward and Interstate Branch Transfer Outward as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Value of goods despatched to outside West Bengal otherwise than by way of sale (Rs.)

Displays the assessable value and tax amount from transaction recorded for the party by selecting F Form as Form to Receive. The transactions with Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward and Interstate Branch Transfer Outward as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Particulars of Form F received


Displays the state or union territory of the party from whom goods are purchased, as the name of the state or union territory selected in State field in party ledger master or Party Details screen of the transaction.


Displays the form series number issued by the party, as recorded in the Form serial no. field in the Statutory Details screen of the sales transaction.


Displays the form number issued by the party, as recorded in the Form no. field in the Statutory Details screen of the sales transaction.

Amount (Rs.)

Displays the total value from column number 6.


Displays the remarks from the transaction, as recorded in the Remarks field in the Statutory Details screen of the sales transaction.

Name of the person signing the certificate

Displays the name of the person signing the certificate, as recorded in the Name field in Export Report screen of Receipt Form - F Form report.

Status of the Person

Displays the statu/designation of the person signing the certificate, as recorded in the Status/Designation field in Export Report screen of Receipt Form - F Form report.


Displays the date of signing the certificate, as recorded in the Date field in Export Report screen of Receipt Form - F Form report.


Displays the place of the signing the certificate, as recorded in the Place field in Export Report screen of Receipt Form - F Form report.